UD_Portuguese-Bosque copied to clipboard
Some dependency relations with the verb "estar" are annotated as cop"(copula), but we agree it should be aux.
Example from [1] "estão a dormir"
1 Em em ADP PRP_@ADVL> _ 3 case
2 a o DET ART_F_S_@>N PronType=Art|Number=Sing|Gender=Fem 3 det
3 localidade localidade NOUN N_F_S_@P< Number=Sing|Gender=Fem 19 nmod
4 de de ADP PRP_@N< _ 5 case
5 Flamengos Flamengo PROPN PROP_M_P_@P< Number=Plur|Gender=Masc 3 nmod
6 , , PUNCT PU_@PU _ 3 punct
7 onde onde ADV ADV_@SA> _ 14 advmod
8 ainda ainda ADV ADV_@ADVL> _ 14 advmod
9 estão estar AUX V_PR_3P_IND_@FS-N<PRED Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|Person=3|Number=Plur 14 cop
10 mais_de mais_de ADV ADV_@>A _ 11 advmod
11 200 200 NUM NUM_F_P_@>N _ 12 nummod
12 pessoas pessoa NOUN N_F_P_@<SUBJ Number=Plur|Gender=Fem 14 nsubj
13 a a ADP PRP_@PRT-AUX< _ 14 nmod
14 dormir dormir VERB V_INF_@ICL-AUX< VerbForm=Inf 3 acl:relcl
15 em em ADP PRP_@<ADVL _ 16 case
16 tendas tenda NOUN N_F_P_@P< Number=Plur|Gender=Fem 14 nmod
17 , , PUNCT PU_@PU _ 14 punct
18 Sampaio Sampaio PROPN PROP_M_S_@SUBJ> Number=Sing|Number=Sing|Gender=Masc 19 nsubj
19 apelou apelar VERB V_PS_3S_IND_@FS-STA Mood=Ind|Tense=Pret|Person=3|Number=Sing 0 root
20 a a ADP PRP_@<PIV _ 23 case
21 o o DET ART_M_S_@>N PronType=Art|Number=Sing|Gender=Masc 23 det
22 « « PUNCT PU_@PU _ 23 punct
23 bom_senso bom_senso NOUN N_M_S_@P< Number=Sing|Gender=Masc 19 nmod
24 e e CONJ KC_@CO _ 23 cc
25 solidariedade solidariedade NOUN N_F_S_@P< Number=Sing|Gender=Fem 23 conj
26 típica típico ADJ ADJ_F_S_@N< _ 25 amod
27 de de ADP PRP_@A< _ 29 case
28 o o DET ART_M_S_@>N PronType=Art|Number=Sing|Gender=Masc 29 det
29 povo povo NOUN N_M_S_@P< Number=Sing|Gender=Masc 26 nmod
30 açoreano açoreano ADJ ADJ_M_S_@N< _ 29 amod
31 » » PUNCT PU_@PU _ 23 punct
32 para para ADP PRP_@<ADVL _ 34 mark
33 « « PUNCT PU_@PU _ 34 punct
34 compreender compreender VERB V_INF_@ICL-P< VerbForm=Inf 19 advcl
35 que que SCONJ KS_@SUB _ 39 mark
36 não não ADV ADV_@ADVL> _ 39 neg
37 se se PRON PERS_F_3P_ACC_@ACC>-PASS PronType=Prs|Case=Acc|Person=3|Number=Plur|Gender=Fem 39 dobj
38 podem poder AUX V_PR_3P_IND_@FS-<ACC Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|Person=3|Number=Plur 39 aux
39 construir construir VERB V_INF_@ICL-AUX< VerbForm=Inf 34 ccomp
40 todas_as todo_o DET DET_F_P_@>N _ 41 det
41 casas casa NOUN N_F_P_@<SUBJ Number=Plur|Gender=Fem 39 nsubj
42 ao_mesmo_tempo ao_mesmo_tempo PP PP_@<ADVL _ 39 advmod
43 » » PUNCT PU_@PU _ 34 punct
44 . . PUNCT PU_@PU _ 19 punct
As we can see bellow, in previous versions of Bosque (Claudia gave the example, I don't know which version is it, but it is not [4]), the dependency relation used was "aux".
As [o] <artd> ART F P @>N #1->2
relações [relação] N F P @SUBJ> #2->8
de [de] PRP @N< #3->2
Hong=Kong [Hong_Kong] PROP M S @P< #4->3
com [com] PRP @N< #5->2
a [o] <artd> ART F S @>N #6->7
China [China] PROP F S @P< #7->5
estão [estar] <aux> V PR 3P IND @FS-STA #8->0
a [a] PRP @PRT-AUX< #9->8
condicionar [condicionar] <mv> V INF @ICL-AUX< #10->8
We believe, it is a conversion problem.
For reference:
[1] Bosque 7.5 Universal dependencies, file bosque_CP.udep.conll.gz,
[2] Bosque 7.5 Universal dependencies, file bosque_CF.udep.conll.gz
[3] Bosque version 7.3, converted by Dan Zeman available in
[4] Linguateca Version of Bosque CoNLL (7.3), http://www.linguateca.pt/floresta/CoNLL-X/