Universal-XML-Scraper copied to clipboard
Problem connecting to the database
Since yesterday UXS can not connect anymore to the database. Is the server down?
Since yesterday UXS can not connect anymore to the database. Is the server down?
Not sure if you're still having an issue. I had the same error, I ran as Admin and I was able to connect.
Hi, I have a same problem, impossible scrap : Testing server connection.... , run as Admin or not.
2 months later and still have this exact same problem as well - doesn't matter if it's ran as admin or not.
2 months later and still have this exact same problem as well - doesn't matter if it's ran as admin or not.
Use Skraper, is a good soft and is possible to connect screenscraper acount.
2 months later and still have this exact same problem as well - doesn't matter if it's ran as admin or not.
Use Skraper, is a good soft and is possible to connect screenscraper acount.
Thanks, but Skraper is flawed as well. Even when logged into my account (which I was logged in on Universal XML scraper too fyi), Skraper wanted NINE HOURS to scrape my roms....literally 30 seconds to a full minute EACH. I'm on a 150mbps connection too...and RP3B+ is hooked up via ethernet...horrible.
Hi, I just pass like the wind ;) As already said, I have no more time to keep an eye on UXS. Really sorry for that. Normally it will still working exept maybe some Week End because of server overload.
I sincerly recommand you to use Skraper, it's an UXS++ ;) made by a friend.
If you need 9h with skraper, I think it will be horrible to scrape with UXS...
Some advice :
- Try to skrape your roms on an USB3 Key (it's really the best way to avoid Network problem with the RPI)
- Check the numerous options on Skraper, some are very usefull to Fast Scrape.
- The main advantage is the "Media Cache" on Skraper, it may be long the first time, but quick like a rocket when you need to rescrape.
- Don't forget to subscribe on Screenscraper website to put your info on Skraper (like UXS)
Thanks again for your effort to still using UXS. But UXS is pretty dead ;) and even if it was one of the first Scraper with a GUI, some have done a relly nice job to make new wonderfull Scraper like "Skraper". don't hesitate to try it ;)
Bye Bye