com.unity.editoriterationprofiler copied to clipboard
Hitting Clear makes the profiler no longer display data going forward until enable is turned off, window closed, reopened
Hello, I wanted to report that I had an issue in which hitting Clear makes the profiler no longer display data going forward until I turn off the Enable button, close the window, open again, and hit Enable again. If not done in that order, Ex. simply closing the window and reopening while enable is still on, I get errors regarding profiling sample markers.
This is on Linux, Ubuntu 21.04 in Unity 2020.3.18f1.
Thanks, -MH
Edit --- Also, apparently hitting Deep Profile (while not doing anything else) causes the editor to freeze and some sort of memory quickly got up to 48gb of ram before I noticed it and quickly killed the Unity process.
Unfortunately, we are working on other critical things (such as improving the iteration time from our side), so we don't have time to fix this. However, you can fix it yourself if you feel adventurous. I also never tested it on Linux, would just think it's the same as on Windows. If you end up making a PR I will review it!
With Deep profile i would say it's more or less expected (at least from experience) for this to happen - especially on big projects?
I appreciate the reply. As for the deep profile, this definitely was not the normal deep profile kind of behavior. The editor froze completely and the memory usage went from 12gb used to nearly 50gb of system memory in less than a minute, and the project was not very big at all. It was just an editor tool I have been working on. Definitely seemed like a leak of some sort.
Either way, I definitely understand being busy with more important things, I mostly just wanted to make sure at least someone was aware.
That said, I certainly don't mind taking a look at it. If I am able to narrow any of the issues down, I will be sure to let you know and get a PR put together. :+1:
Do you have repro steps? Unity Version?
Heya, as mentioned in my post, this was on Ubuntu 21.04 using Unity 2020.3.18f1. I have been slammed with work this last week or so, so I have not had a chance to mess with it again since, but I don't believe I had attempted anything out of the ordinary.
I will have to check when I get a minute to confirm this, but from what I recall I just opened the window, hit enable, did a compile. looked over the results, did some code changes in my project, hit clear before I recompiled, then compiled and it no longer worked. I tried closing the window and reopening it, but the enable button was still pressed and things still did not work, so I then disengaged the enable, closed the window, recompiled, reopened it then hit enable again, did a quick code change and recompiled, then it started to work again.
At which point, after it had completed everything, I accidentally hit deep profile without doing anything else, the editor locked up and began filling the system memory until my system monitor gave me a warning that memory was almost full (my system has 64gb), at which point I killed the Unity process.
I will try and validate this process after work this evening and report back.
Sorry, that went over my head!
I understand, unfortunately haven't had the opportunity to test it on Ubuntu, would've thought it would be the same as being on Windows but probably not.
With the deep profile issue, yeah it takes a lot of memory usually with Deep Profiling on for these versions. But maybe try 0.1.2-preview released yesterday, it should help at least by deferring the rebuilding of the tree view (which happens every domain reload)