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Limit of 8 colliders is very limiting.
In my game, the hair can be in collision with a lot of different objects, for example :
- the character skin,
- another character touching them,
- player's hands (in VR),
- any object the player hold in their hand.
These objects can collide one another and use primitive colliders instead of mesh colliders for obvious performance reasons. Therefore, the hair can be in contact with hundreds of spheres or capsules simultaneously.
But the demoteam hair asset does not allow more than 8 colliders in total, and only a single SDF. I understand that it is mainly designed to have collisions with the body of the character, but it very limiting. Even a character lying on a bed could not have their hair correctly colliding with a simple pillow that is not primitive shaped. Let alone my own use case when you can actually touch hairs.
As far as I know (being myself the author of the asset HairStudio), allowing hundreds of sphere colliders is completely doable without a massive impact on the performances. Most importantly, one should be able to make the choice of a slower simulation if they need to have a lot of collisions in their game.
Is there a way to lift the limit of 8 colliders somehow?