com.unity.cli-project-setup icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
com.unity.cli-project-setup copied to clipboard

Provides a command line parser and options to set editor, build, player, and other Unity settings when running Unity from the command line

ATTENTION: This package has been migrated to the unity/unity repository here:

All subsequent updates to it will be made there. This repository is now READ-ONLY.

Unity CLI Project Setup

The Unity CLI Project Setup provides a command line parser and a set of CLI options that are used to set Unity build, editor, and player settings prior to running tests so that test project can be used in various automated/CI scenarios.

The code used for the setup options in the package originally predate many of the corresponding CLI options that UTR now has. A few teams at the time needed an easy way to reuse test projects under various configuration settings, so this package was created to help. Some of these command line switches now co-exist as UTR CLI arguments, but they are preserved here for backward compatibility.

Section Links

  • Player and Build Settings Setup Options
  • Performance Test Metadata Options
  • Examples using the Unity CLI Project Setup options
  • Developer Guide

User Guide

The CLI Project Setup package is designed to be used this way.

  1. Create a static Editor method in your project that can be passed to the editor from the CLI using the -executemethod option. In this static Editor method, create a CliProjectSetup object, then call the ParseCommandLineArgs and ConfigureFromCmdlineArgs like the example below.
using com.unity.cliprojectsetup;

public class Editor
    // Call this method using Unity's -executeMethod CLI command in the build jobs to parse setup args
    public static void Setup()
        var cliProjectSetup = new CliProjectSetup();
  1. Add the Unity command line option -executemethod Editor.Setup to your invokation of either Unity or UTR. This will ensure that the Setup() method in the package's Editor class is executed when the test project is opened, ensuring the CLI options you specified in step one are correctly applied.
  2. Add the CLI options you need for your specific project configuration to your invokation of either Unity or UTR.

Examples using the Unity CLI Project Setup options

Using the CLI Project Setup options from a direct invokation of Unity

Unity.exe --architecture=arm64  -colorspace=Linear -enabledxrtargets=OculusXRSDK -executemethod Editor.Setup -playergraphicsapi=OpenGLES3 -stereoRenderingMode=Multiview --platform=Android --scripting-backend=IL2CPP -projectPath D:\unity2\Tests\SRPTests\Projects\UniversalGraphicsTest_Foundation

In the example above, the following options are interpreted by the CLI Project Setup package

-colorspace=Linear -enabledxrtargets=OculusXRSDK -playergraphicsapi=OpenGLES3 -stereoRenderingMode=Multiview

while these options are interpreted by the Unity editor

-executemethod Editor.Setup -playergraphicsapi=OpenGLES3 --platform=Android --scripting-backend=IL2CPP -projectPath D:\unity2\Tests\SRPTests\Projects\UniversalGraphicsTest_Foundation

As noted earlier though, the executemethod option above is executing the static Editor method you created earlier in order to applies the settings you passed in.

Using the CLI Project Setup options from an invokation of UTR, the build stage of a split-build-and-run

utr --architecture=arm64 --artifacts_path=test-results --build-only --editor-location=.Editor --extra-editor-arg="-enabledxrtargets=OculusXRSDK" --extra-editor-arg="-executemethod" --extra-editor-arg="Editor.Setup" --extra-editor-arg="-playergraphicsapi=OpenGLES3" --extra-editor-arg="-colorspace=Linear"  --extra-editor-arg="-stereoRenderingMode=Multiview" --platform=Android --player-save-path=players --scripting-backend=IL2CPP --suite=playmode  --testproject=D:\unity2\Tests\SRPTests\Projects\UniversalGraphicsTest_Foundation 

In the example above, the following options are interpreted by the CLI Project Setup package

--extra-editor-arg="-enabledxrtargets=OculusXRSDK" --extra-editor-arg="-playergraphicsapi=OpenGLES3" --extra-editor-arg="-colorspace=Linear" --extra-editor-arg="-stereoRenderingMode=Multiview"

while these options are interpreted by the Unity editor

--architecture=arm64 --artifacts_path=test-results --build-only --editor-location=.Editor --extra-editor-arg="-executemethod" --extra-editor-arg="Editor.Setup" --platform=Android --player-save-path=players --scripting-backend=IL2CPP --suite=playmode --testproject=D:\unity2\Tests\SRPTests\Projects\UniversalGraphicsTest_Foundation

As noted earlier though, the executemethod option above is executing the static Editor method you created earlier in order to applies the settings you passed in.

Player and Build Settings Setup Options

These options are used to adjust player and build settings before building a player for test. They are set during the Editor method call to the CLI Project Setup methods as discussed in the beginning of this User Guide near the end of the project opening phase.

Option Name Description
-scripting-backend=-scriptingbackend= Scripting backend to use. Values: IL2CPP, Mono
-playergraphicsapi= Graphics API based on GraphicsDeviceType. Values:
  • GameCoreScarlett
  • OpenGL2
  • Direct3D9
  • Direct3D11
  • PlayStation3
  • Null
  • Xbox360
  • OpenGLES2
  • OpenGLES3
  • PlayStationVita
  • PlayStation4
  • XboxOne
  • PlayStationMobile
  • Metal
  • OpenGLCore
  • Direct3D12
  • N3DS
  • Vulkan
  • Switch
  • XboxOneD3D12
  • GameCoreXboxOne
  • GameCoreXboxSeries
  • PlayStation5
  • PlayStation5NGGC
  • WebGPU
-colorspace= Colorspace to use. Values: Linear, Gamma
-mtRendering- Disable multithreaded rendering. Enabled is default.
-graphicsJobs Enable graphics jobs rendering. Disabled is default.
-jobworkercount= Number of job workers to use. Default is 0 which utilizes all cores. Value range [0 , NumberOfCpuCores - 1]
-apicompatibilitylevel= API compatibility to use. Default is NET_2_0. Values:
  • NET_2_0
  • NET_2_0_Subset
  • NET_4_6
  • NET_Unity_4_8
  • NET_Web
  • NET_Micro
  • NET_Standard
  • NET_Standard_2_0
-stripenginecode Enable Engine code stripping. Disabled is default.
-managedstrippinglevel= Managed stripping level to use. Default is Disabled. Values:
  • Disabled
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Minimal
-scriptdebugging Enable scriptdebugging. Disabled is default.
-addscenetobuild= Specify path to scene to add to the build, Path is relative to Assets folder. Use this option for each scene you want to add to the build.
-openxrfeatures= Add array of feature names to enable for openxr. ex [r:MockRuntime,OculusQuestFeature] should be name of feature class. Add r: before the feature name to make it required. Required features will fail the job if not found
-enabledxrtarget=-enabledxrtargets= XR target to enable in player settings. Values:
  • OpenXR
  • OculusXRSDK
  • MagicLeapXRSDK
  • PSVR2
-stereorenderingmode=-stereorenderingpath= When using an XR provider, the stereo rendering mode to enable. SinglePass is default. Values:
  • None
  • MultiPass
  • SinglePass
  • Instancing
  • Multiview
-simulationmode Enable Simulation modes for Windows MR in Editor.
-enablefoveatedrendering Enable foveated rendering. Disabled is default.
-androidtargetarchitecture= Android Target Architecture to use. ARM64 is the default value. Values:
  • None
  • ARMv7
  • ARM64
  • X86
  • X86_64
  • All
-vsync= Vsync value. 0 (off) is the default. Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4

Performance Test Metadata Options

These options are used to add useful metadata to Unity tests that also use the Performance Testing Package. The metadata is often used to create additional pivots on the performance test data.

Option Name Description
-testsrev= Used to track the revision id of the tests being used.
-testsrevdate= Used to track revision date of the tests being used.
-testsbranch= Used to track the branch of the tests repo being used.
-packageundertestname= Used to track the name of the package under test.
-packageundertestversion= Used to track the version of the package under test.
-packageundertestrev= Used to track the revision id of the package under test.
-packageundertestrevdate= Used to track the revision date of the package under test.
-packageundertestbranch= Used to track the repo branch of the package under test.
-testprojectname= Used to track the name of the test project.
-testprojectrevision= Used to track test project commit revision id
-testprojectrevdate= Used to track the test project commit revision date
-testprojectbranch= Used to track the repo branch of the test project.
-joblink= URL pointing to test job in CI system.
-rundevicealias= Specify an alias to use for the device you are running on.

Developer Guide

In order to contribute to the com.unity.cli-project-setup package, do the following

  1. Clone this git repository to your local machine

  2. Choose a test project to include the com.unity.cli-project-setup package in while developing and debugging it, then make the following updates to the project's manifest:

    1. Add the package to the dependencies section of the project manifest, using a local reference syntax like this but using the location that is specific to your machine

      "com.unity.cli-project-setup": "file:D:/com.unity.cli-project-setup"
    2. The com.unity.cli-project-setup package requires the com.unity.test.metadata-manager package as a dependency, so you'll need to include this in one of three ways:

      1. Add a local reference: Clone the com.unity.test.metadata-manager locally like you did for this package in the first step, and add a local dependency reference to it.

        "com.unity.test.metadata-manager": "file:D:/com.unity.test.metadata-manager"
      2. If you are using the production/public Unity package repository, you'll need to add a scoped registry section to your project manifest as the com.unity.test.metadata-manager is published to the internal, upm-candidates package registry only. Here is an example of how to do this.

        "scopedRegistries": [
            "name": "Internal Candidate Registry",
            "url": "",
            "scopes": [
      3. If you don't need to use the production/public Unity package repository, you can choose to use the internal package registry exclusively. Below is the manifest entry that will make this happen.

        "registry": ""
    3. Add the MOQ mocking framework package to your project manifest.

      "nuget.moq": "2.0.0-pre.2"
    4. Add com.unity.cli-project-setup to the project manifest's "testables" section. This will ensure the unit tests can be seen and run from the editor's test runner tab

      "testables": [

If you've setup up everything correctly, you should now see the tests from the EditMode tab of the Unity editor test runner tab.

Testing changes

This package is used broadly across Graphics and XR testing. Following is a procedure for verifying changes and keeping broader support in mind.

  • Ensure that you've followed the Developer Guide above and are able to run the com.unity.cli-project-setup editor tests with your changes in a Unity project.

  • Verify your own use cases for the changes you've made and add additional tests, or refactor existing ones if appropriate. All tests should pass before going to the next step.

  • Run the URP PR job from the unity/unity repository. When you create a new run, use the CLI_PROJECT_SETUP_VERSION variable input field to enter a GitHub url path to your dev branch changeset like this, where e04468fd4be965e4da3635d4ce0cf90e866bd326 is the git revision of your dev branch changes. This will enable you to run the tests with your dev branch to gain more confidence that a regression hasn't been introduced.

Example of a GitHub URL path to your dev branch below:

    com.unity.cli-project-setup@"ssh://[email protected]/unity/com.unity.cli-project-setup.git#e04468fd4be965e4da3635d4ce0cf90e866bd326" 
  • Run the Pack and test all packages job for this repository on your branch. This will run the unit tests across several platforms and Unity version to catch potential regression.

  • Verify that any other checks for this repo have passed on your PR.

  • Update the changelog with a summary of your changes and increment the version appropropriately here as well as in the package.json indicating a new version.