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[BUG]: Multiplay sample crashed on ubuntu20.04
Package version
* OS:Ubuntu 20.04
* Unity version: 2021.3.5f1c1 Personal
* Graphics API: OpenGLCore
* Browser: chrome 102.0.5005.63
Graphic device: GeForce RTX 3090
CUDA SDK: 11.7.20220504
Steps To Reproduce
hello i am running Multiplay sample of exp.4 on ubuntu20.04. When it receive a signaling of client , it is crashed immediately! It happens every time. and it happened on exp.3 too.
1.project settings->Player->Graphics APIs for Linux choose "OpenGLCore" 2.Target Platform : linux 3.Build 4.Runing Multiplay sample app on ubuntu20.04 5.Open a browser, and click "Play" button 6.Multiplay sample app crashed
Current Behavior
I have opened the nativate log flag, the log like this: 009:727: cuGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource error999 the detail is in this log file. Player (7).log
the error was throwed in OpenGLGraphicsDevice.cpp 281
otherwise, if I choose "Vulkan", and it will work normal. But it's only can open three browser, if i open the fourth browser, it will can't show image, and the graphic device is only use 30%,how can i open more browser?
can you help me? thank you
Expected Behavior
No response
Anything else?
No response
Please see the column Max # of concurrent sessions in this matrix. GeForce series has a restriction. https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-and-decode-gpu-support-matrix-new#Encoder
Of course, we need to fix the crash bug, but you cannot use multiple sessions unlimitedly even if the bug would be fixed.
OK, I see. Thank you! 👍
memo: URS-507
thank you