Unigram copied to clipboard
Missing of the cursor in black & gray themes
Describe the bug If you switch to black or gray themes of Unigram then after some time the editing cursor disappeared. See the screenshot. I'm typing the text and cursor is invisible. Previously I think that the cursor switched to black color after some time. However I see same bug with gray theme.
Expected behavior Return editing cursor, pls :)
To Reproduce The bug has unstable repro. You need to use Unigram about 10-15 minutes. After it you will see that the cursor disappeared. I updated Unigram to all last releases. All previous 5 builds have same bug. If I restart the Unigram then the cursor is visible again... for 10-15 minutes before disappeared again.
I think that you can catch this bug if you switch in black or gray theme and work with Unigram 1-2 days.
Version Info
Version of Unigram - 8.7 (7352) I have auto update to new version
OS Edition Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H1 OS build 19043.1586 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0 Updated to last cumulative fixes
Hello, thanks for reporting this bug, but why did you delete every field of the template on purpose? This information is really important to track the bug, please create a new ticket filling every field
If you about version and OS then I would like to inform you that I don't see this fields.
Version of Unigram - 8.7 (7352) I have auto update to new version
OS Edition Windows 10 Enterprise Version 21H1 OS build 19043.1586 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0 Updated to last cumulative fixes
Thanks for providing the information, I am talking about the following field that clearly appear once you open a ticket:
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Version Info
- Unigram: [e.g. 7.8.6339 x64]
- Windows: [e.g. October 2018 update]
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
I understood and I corrected the bug description in first message.
This bug may be complex to fix because it has unstable repro. Previously I contacted to Unigram developer. He asked me Unigram log. May be the log can help in this situation?
I think you are referring to TDLib logs, in this case they shouldn't be necessary
There's a bug in Windows, either UWP or the OLE component used for the RichEditBox, that causes the caret to disappear in certain conditions. Restarting the app solves the issue.