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Support SPC reports
Would be nice to easily download SPC storm reports. I've done this nearly trivially with pandas, but the automatic URL generation from a datetime would be nice. Problems do occasionally arise with poorly formatted data - I think from commas in the report text (a CSV file itself). Should probably run a year's worth of reports to make sure it all works as planned.
IEM has some endpoints for LSRs. Would those be useful for this, or should this just be directly accessing the CSV files from SPC?
Functionality for the LSRs would be interesting, but aren't those distinct from SPC? (I'm unsure here)
I'm not sure either. @akrherz Would you know?
I believe SPC's dataset has some QC done to the raw LSRs, could try pinging @pmarshwx here to see how much difference there.
Sorry I missed this.
SPC does some high-level filtering on all our reports, including the raw reports. The high-level raw filtering removes duplicates and things of a similar nature. The filtered reports have additional QC, looking for reports within 5-miles and 15-minutes.
A note: sometime in the future (possibly 2019) we will begin a process to transition historical LSRs (which are preliminary) to the official, finalized reports.
thanks @pmarshwx for chiming in. I do have a question tho as the official, finalized reports are Storm Data. Are you going to somehow translate the Storm Data into LSR format?
Thanks Patrick! We'll see what we can do about getting this into siphon after the new year.
We would not recreate the LSR format. Rather we would update the CSV files to the official record.
We are still in the early stages of figuring out the best way to proceed.
sorry @pmarshwx , I used poor wording. What I meant was that there isn't a one-to-one mapping of Storm Data attributes to those found in the LSR reports. Some of the CSV columns would have to be missing, right?
@pmarshwx - also I've run onto a few cases where report text had commas in it which screwed up parsing, just FYI
@akrherz: We are not 100% sure what the end will look like. It's possible we just use a subset of new making an exact replica, or just make sure that the old is a subset of the new. It's all still in the talk phase.
@jrleeman: Those comma's cause me all sorts of problems. I have some code that starts with pandas and falls back to the native CSV module I could share.
That would be great @pmarshwx - here or via email would be fine.