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Problems with CF "Simple Geometry"
cdm/core/src/test/data/dataset/SimpleGeos/ (also in
This is a netcdf-4 file with a variable length dimension, eg: double catchments_x(hruid=3, *); :axis = "X";
Open enhanced dataset so coordinate systems are added. Then try to read "catchments_x" coordinate, you get:
java.lang.ClassCastException: ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble$D1 cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
at ucar.nc2.dataset.EnhanceScaleMissingUnsignedImpl.convert(
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.convert(
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.convert(
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS._read(
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.reallyRead(
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS._read(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareVariableData(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareVariables(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareVariable(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareCoordinateAxis(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareCoordinateSystem(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareVariables(
at ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2.compareGroups(
This happens at 5.0, would be interesting to know if it happens in 4.x.
Im guessing coordsys logic never tried to deal with a variable length coordinate ?
Added test that fails into TestSimpleGeom.
None of the files in /usr/local/google/home/jlcaron/github/repo2/netcdf-java/cdm/core/src/test/data/dataset/SimpleGeos
are parsed as a station feature type (via feature scan). Not sure whats up there, or what the "simple geometry" convention is. probably a seperate bug from this one, but will leave it bundled for now.
The CF Simple Geometry support (added to CF via cf-convention/cf-conventions#115) was a contribution from USGS (Unidata/thredds#1207). @cschroed-usgs, any insights into this particular issue?
@lesserwhirls thanks for the shout-out. Nothing leaps to mind.
Im guessing coordsys logic never tried to deal with a variable length coordinate ?
That's likely true.
Added test that fails into TestSimpleGeom.
Thanks! Can you please link to the test you mentioned?
None of the files in /usr/local/google/home/jlcaron/github/repo2/netcdf-java/cdm/core/src/test/data/dataset/SimpleGeos are parsed as a station feature type
I don't think the test files are intended to be parsed as station feature types. The CF Simple Geometries standard enables embedding non-gridded spatial entities (ex: watersheds, stream networks) inside NetCDF files. If there are station-like data in the test files, that is likely tangential.
Hi Carl;
The test is on a branch not yet checked in, but here is the code:
public void testCoordinateVariables() throws IOException {
String tstFile = TestDir.cdmLocalTestDataDir + "dataset/SimpleGeos/";
// open the test file
try (NetcdfDataset ncd = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(tstFile)) {
for (CoordinateAxis axis : ncd.getCoordinateAxes()) {
System.out.printf("Try to read %s ", axis.getFullName());
Array data =;
System.out.printf(" OK (%d) %n", data.getSize());
There's a test file:
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.8";
:featureType = "timeSeries";
:cdm_data_type = "Station";
:standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.7";
:DODS.strlen = 12; // int
:DODS.dimName = "name_strlen";
that claims its a station file. The CF simple geometry code lists station in a coordinate axis, but there is none:
int et(station=1, time=25);
:units = "mm";
:missing_value = -999; // int
:long_name = "Area Weighted Mean Actual Evapotranspiration";
:coordinates = "time lat lon";
:geometry = "geometry_container";
:grid_mapping = "crs";
:geometry_type = "polygon";
:node_count = "node_count";
:node_coordinates = "x y";
:part_node_count = "";
:_CoordinateAxes = "time station x y";
it doesnt have a station coordinate, im thinking of removing it until someone can confirm its not malformed.
Thanks for your help. My involvement in this contribution was pretty high-level, so I'm not clear on several details, including the precise intent of the test data. As far as I can tell, that NetCDF file is only used by one test class which is running this implementation:
The implementation doesn't appear to care about CDM data type. If dropping station stuff from the test data helps, I don't see much harm in that simplification.