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Upper Air Parsing
Add parsing of TTAA/TTBB messages. This will facilitate replacing the netcdf-perl decoders TDS uses for the (unhosted) upper air netcdf files.
For what it is worth, I am not aware of a current python alternative.
Some useful links:
- WMO Manual
Would really appreciate this. Still no other parser?
Nothing's been added to MetPy, but we're always happy to have community contributions.
Nothing's been added to MetPy, but we're always happy to have community contributions.
I've been searching for this for the last 2 weeks. I couldn't get nothing to work.
My specific case is that I have acess to a JSON containing TTAA, TTBB, TTCC and TTDD messages of upper air soundings in in plain text, in distinct fields. So it's not the real BUFR file generated on site, it has some sort of processing to be distributed as JSON.
Anyway, I'll keep looking and report back if I find something useful.
I found this link regarding the parsing realized by GEMPAK:
Hey, giving an update here.
I've been looking into this and still haven't found a way. Even tried using ChatGPT and Google's Bard to develop any kind of code, but without success. A friend of mine that works as a professional programmer managed to code something, but the possibility of invalid data and the many specific rules makes this very difficult.
My understanding is that this 5 character format is useful for Fortran programming, so I'm hoping there's some kind of "official code" somewhere. This week I'm researching GrADS source code, but I'm not very hopeful.
I'm also making contact with some people responsible for a few known meteorology websites providing upper air soundings.
Hey, giving an update here.
I've been looking into this and still haven't found a way. Even tried using ChatGPT and Google's Bard to develop any kind of code, but without success. A friend of mine that works as a professional programmer managed to code something, but the possibility of invalid data and the many specific rules makes this very difficult.
My understanding is that this 5 character format is useful for Fortran programming, so I'm hoping there's some kind of "official code" somewhere. This week I'm researching GrADS source code, but I'm not very hopeful.
I'm also making contact with some people responsible for a few known meteorology websites providing upper air soundings.
You may find this useful:
This looks like the FORTRAN routine that is called by GEMPAK to decode TTAA/TTBB formatted upper-air data.
Here's some GEMPAK documentation:
And here's the GEMPAK file where "RU_DECD" is called:
Hi All,
I had some working code that I had worked on a while ago (read 4 years ago), but picked it up again today after a question came to me through a different channel. Below is the code I have to read "real time" TTAA and TTBB data from the NWS to make a plot.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from io import StringIO
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import urllib.request
from import add_station_lat_lon
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
now = datetime.utcnow()
year = now.year
month = now.month
day =
# Set location and hour (hour only for display purposes)
location = 'SGF'
raw_man_data = f'{location}'
raw_sgl_data = f'{location}'
man_data = urllib.request.urlopen(raw_man_data).read().decode("utf8")
sgl_data = urllib.request.urlopen(raw_sgl_data).read().decode("utf8")
man_soup = BeautifulSoup(man_data, 'html.parser')
sgl_soup = BeautifulSoup(sgl_data, 'html.parser')
full_data = (man_soup.find('pre').contents[0].replace('\n', ' ').replace('NNNN', '').strip()
+ sgl_soup.find('pre').contents[0].replace('\n', ' ').replace('NNNN', '').strip()).split('=')
# Start parsing data
pressure = []
height = []
temperature = []
dewpoint = []
wdir = []
speed = []
date_time = []
stnum = []
stid = []
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['pressure', 'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'height',
'wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'station', 'station_number',
hour = int(full_data[0].split()[3][2:4])
date = datetime(now.year, now.month,, hour)
print(f'Processing {date}')
for obs in full_data:
data = obs.split()
if len(data) > 1:
# Parse TTAA
if (data[6] == 'TTAA'):
idx = data.index('TTAA')
station_name = data[2]
station_number = data[idx-1]
vtime = datetime(year, month, int(data[idx+1][:2]) - 50, int(data[idx+1][2:4]))
for part in range(idx+3, len(data), 3):
plev = int(data[part][:2])
if plev == 31 or plev == 51 or plev == 88:
if (plev != 88) and (plev != 99) and (plev != 31) and (plev != 51):
# Add station id, num, and date_time for each level
# Process Pressure
p = int(data[part][:2])
if p == 0:
p = 1000
elif p == 92:
p = 925
p *= 10
# Process Height
z = data[part][2:]
if z != '///':
z = int(z)
z = np.nan
if p == 850:
z += 1000
elif p == 700:
if z > 500:
z += 2000
z += 3000
elif p in [500, 400, 300]:
z *= 10
elif p < 300:
z *= 10
z += 10000
# Process Temperature and Dewpoint
T = data[part+1][:3]
if T != '///':
T = int(T)
if (T % 2) != 0:
minus_sign = -1
minus_sign = 1
T = minus_sign * T / 10
T = np.nan
DD = data[part+1][3:]
if DD != '//':
DD = int(DD)
if DD < 50:
DD = DD/10
DD -= 50
DD = np.nan
Td = T - DD
# Process Wind Direction and Speed
WD = data[part+2][:3]
if WD != '///':
last_digit = int(WD[-1])
if last_digit in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
WD = WD[:2]+'0'
WS_offset = last_digit
elif last_digit in [6, 7, 8, 9]:
WD = WD[:2]+'5'
WS_offset = last_digit - 5
WS_offset = 0
WD = int(WD)
WD = np.nan
WS = data[part+2][3:]
if WS != '//':
WS = int(WS) + WS_offset * 100
WS = np.nan
elif plev == 99:
p = data[part][2:]
if p != '///':
p = int(p)
p = np.nan
# Parse TTBB Sig Temp/DD
if (data[6] == 'TTBB'):
idx = data.index('TTBB')
for part in range(idx+3, len(data), 2):
sig = data[part]
if (sig == '21212') or (sig == '31313') or (sig == '51515'):
# No height data
# Process Pressure
pp = data[part][-3:]
if sig[:2] == '00' and pp[0] == '0':
p = 1000 + int(pp)
p = int(pp)
# Process Temperature and Dewpoint
T = data[part+1][:3]
if T != '///':
T = int(T)
if (T % 2) != 0:
minus_sign = -1
minus_sign = 1
T = minus_sign * T / 10
T = np.nan
# Modified on 7/24/24 to correctly account for DD
DD = data[part+1][3:]
DD = int(DD)
if DD != '//':
if DD < 50:
DD = DD/10
DD -= 50
DD = np.nan
Td = T - DD
data_dict = {'pressure': pressure, 'temperature': temperature, 'dewpoint': dewpoint, 'height': height,
'wind_speed': speed, 'wind_direction': wdir, 'station': stid, 'station_number': stnum,
'date_time': date_time}
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict).drop_duplicates(subset=['pressure', 'temperature', 'dewpoint'])
# Added on 7/24/24 to remove pressure levels with missing temp or dew point data
df = df.dropna(subset=['pressure', 'temperature', 'dewpoint'])
# Parse Significant winds reported in TTBB
pressure = []
wdir = []
speed = []
date_time = []
stnum = []
stid = []
for obs in full_data:
data = obs.split()
if len(data) > 1:
if (data[6] == 'TTBB'):
idx = data.index('21212')
for part in range(idx+1, len(data), 2):
sig = data[part]
if (sig == '31313'):
# Process Pressure
pp = data[part][-3:]
if sig[:2] == '00' and pp[0] == '0':
p = 1000 + int(pp)
p = int(pp)
# Process Wind Direction and Speed
WD = data[part+1][:3]
if WD != '///':
last_digit = int(WD[-1])
if last_digit in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
WD = WD[:2]+'0'
WS_offset = last_digit
elif last_digit in [6, 7, 8, 9]:
WD = WD[:2]+'5'
WS_offset = last_digit - 5
WS_offset = 0
WD = int(WD)
WD = np.nan
WS = data[part+1][3:]
if WS != '//':
WS = int(WS) + WS_offset * 100
WS = np.nan
df.loc[df.pressure == p, 'wind_speed'] = WS
df.loc[df.pressure == p, 'wind_direction'] = WD
sig_winds_data_dict = {'pressure': pressure, 'wind_speed': speed, 'wind_direction': wdir,
'station': stid, 'station_number': stnum, 'date_time': date_time}
df_sig_winds = pd.DataFrame(sig_winds_data_dict)
df.sort_values(['station_number', 'pressure'], ascending=[True, False], inplace=True,
# Save data files if desired
#print(f'Writing file for {date:%Y-%m-%d}')
#df.to_csv(f'{date:%Y%m%d%H}_{location}_upa_temp_data.csv', index=False)
#df_sig_winds.to_csv(f'{date:%Y%m%d%H}_{location}_upa_sig_wind_data.csv', index=False)
# Make a simple plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, NullFormatter,
from metpy.plots import SkewT
from metpy.units import units
from metpy.calc import wind_components
import numpy as np
p = df.pressure.values * units.hPa
T = df.temperature.values * units.degC
Td = df.dewpoint.values * units.degC
uwnd, vwnd = wind_components(df.wind_speed.values * units.knots,
df.wind_direction.values *
sig_uwnd, sig_vwnd = wind_components(df_sig_winds.wind_speed.values * units.knots,
df_sig_winds.wind_direction.values *
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8))
skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45)
skew.plot_dry_adiabats(t0=np.arange(-30, 300, 10)*units.degC, colors='tab:red', alpha=0.5)
skew.plot_moist_adiabats(t0=np.arange(-30, 100, 5)*units.degC, colors='tab:green', alpha=0.5)
skew.plot_mixing_lines(mixing_ratio=np.arange(1, 60, 2)*units('g/kg'),
pressure=np.arange(1000, 99, -1)*units.hPa,
linestyle='dotted', colors='tab:blue', alpha=0.5), 100), 40)
skew.plot(p, T, color='red')
skew.plot(p, Td, color='green')
skew.plot_barbs(df_sig_winds.pressure[::2], sig_uwnd[::2], sig_vwnd[::2])
plt.title(f'{station_name}', loc='left')
plt.title(f'{date:%Y-%m-%d %H} UTC', loc='right')
Run on 4 July 2024 with 12 UTC data available for station SGF yields:
Hi All,
I had some working code that I had worked on a while ago (read 4 years ago), but picked it up again today after a question came to me through a different channel. Below is the code I have to read "real time" TTAA and TTBB data from the NWS to make a plot.
Thank you so much. I have no words to describe my joy of seeing it work!
Made it work with separate TTAA and TTBB messages from Brazilian aeronautical weather services on a quick test.
@luciodaou I made a few minor changes to the provided code above. There was a slight parsing issue with dew point depression for TTBB code (wasn't taking into account the greater than 50 values appropriately. Additionally, I added a line to drop NA values from the pressure/temperature/dewpoint data (which would most likely take out values that are below ground and not reported!).
@luciodaou I made a few minor changes to the provided code above. There was a slight parsing issue with dew point depression for TTBB code (wasn't taking into account the greater than 50 values appropriately. Additionally, I added a line to drop NA values from the pressure/temperature/dewpoint data (which would most likely take out values that are below ground and not reported!).
VS Code is showing me indentation errors:
Managed to eliminate errors with the same logic:
# Modified on 7/24/24 to correctly account for DD
DD = data[part+1][3:]
if DD != '//':
DD = int(DD)
if DD < 50:
DD = DD/10
DD -= 50
DD = np.nan
Td = T - DD
@luciodaou Thanks! That is what I get for editing the example code directly in the comment and not doing a fully copy and paste from the working code in a notebook! I've updated the above code with the (hopefully) working if-statement!