laravel-filemanager copied to clipboard
Getting Error 404 after uploading an image
- Operating system : Ubuntu 18.04 server in Digital Ocean
- Laravel version : 5.8
- Package version : 2.0 alpha8
Creating folders and uploading images are working well. But after uploading an image, that image is not showing properly.
In console, I'm getting error 404.
The image is saved on folder storage/app/public/photos/1 In local server (using laradock), the image shows correctly, but in Digital Ocean not. Any ideas?
I have the same problem Package version : dev-master and Package version : v2.0.0-alpha8
I have the same problem Package version : dev-master and Package version : v2.0.0-alpha8
how to resolve this issues?, which version can be use? i use 1.8 too. but also get 404 after upload. i already do php artisan storage:link and delete public/storage many times
Did anyone solved this issue already? I am getting the same issue
GET http://localhost:8000/storage/files/1/thumbs/sponsor.png?timestamp=1578085409 net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Did anyone solved it?
me to Did anyone solved it? my laravel is 6
i have this problem :((( Did anyone solved it?
I have this problem too in local. I upload images in public folder (in "/uploads/images" and upload is working well) and when i remove "/storage" from image url , image show correctly. How can i fix this? How can i change url from "/storage/uploads/image/example.jpg" to "/uploads/image/example.jpg" ? Can anyone help us please? Thanks
Hey guys
I found a solution
For showing images correctly , do these steps:
1- Go to config/filesystems.php
and add below to disks part :
'ckeditor' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => public_path('/'),
'url' => '/',
'visibility' => 'public',
2- Go to config/lfm.php
and edit disk to:
'disk' => 'ckeditor',
I hope this works for you.