laravel-filemanager icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
laravel-filemanager copied to clipboard

clicking the confirm button to get the file path url

Open jayson-velasquez opened this issue 6 months ago • 0 comments

Please check the following instructions before submitting a bug :

ISSUE: in public/vendor/laravel-filemanager/js/lfm.js the file_path in window.SetUrl is empty. causing an error

And provide the followings :

  • Operating system : MAC OS MONTEREY
  • Laravel version : 10.45.1
  • Package version : v2.7.1
  • Steps to reproduce your issue : clicking the confirm button
  • Screenshots of browser console :
Screen Shot 2024-02-28 at 2 34 57 PM

jayson-velasquez avatar Feb 28 '24 06:02 jayson-velasquez