
Results 64 issues of Zeeland

For Python beginners, the TezRomacH/python-package-template is an excellent resource to learn various aspects, such as using Poetry for package management and Black for code formatting. This project integrates many convenient...


项目地址:https://github.com/Undertone0809/promptulate Promptulate `Promptulate AI` 专注于构建大语言模型应用的开发者平台,致力于为开发者和企业提供构建、扩展、评估大语言模型应用的能力。`Promptulate` 是 `Promptulate AI` 旗下的大语言模型自动化与应用开发框架,旨在帮助开发者通过更小的成本构建行业级的大模型应用,其包含了LLM领域应用层开发的大部分常用组件,如外部工具组件、模型组件、Agent智能代理、外部数据源接入模块、数据存储模块、生命周期模块等。 通过 `Promptulate`,你可以轻松构建起属于自己的LLM应用程序。 更多地,为构建一个强大而灵活的LLM应用开发平台,以创建能够自动化各种任务和应用程序的自主代理,`Promptulate` 通过Core AI Engine、Agent System、APIs and Tools Provider、Multimodal Processing、Knowledge Base和Task-specific Modules 6个组件实现自动化AI平台。 Core AI Engine是该框架的核心组件,负责处理和理解各种输入,生成输出和作出决策。Agent System是提供高级指导和控制AI代理行为的模块;APIs and Tools Provider提供工具和服务交互的API和集成库;Multimodal...

# Python 包项目生成器 项目地址: https://github.com/Undertone0809/python-package-template 你的下一代 Python 项目模板 ## TL;DR ```bash cookiecutter gh:Undertone0809/python-package-template --checkout v1.0.1 ``` > 你只需要安装最新版本的 cookiecutter 😉 ## 🚀 功能 在这个 [cookiecutter 🍪](https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter) 模板中,我们结合了最先进的库和 Python 最佳开发实践。 ###...

If this issue is intended to be a *bug report*, please fill out the following: **Expected behavior** Run `./run.cmd` and it can get data normally. **Actual behavior** Actually, I can...

sqlmodel support SQLAlchemy v2 now. https://github.com/tiangolo/sqlmodel/releases/tag/0.0.12

**bug描述** 如下图,在引入`django-apscheduler`之后,`admin`会自动创建相关的字段,但是其`admin` 没有图标显示出来。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72488598/233093845-a9ccdf6e-8da4-4203-93d2-61abd242cd64.png) **重现步骤** 1. 安装django-apscheduler 2. migrate 3. 进入admin


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I would like to know the mean of fa and tabler in xicons? I want to import the 'ZhihuCircleFilled' as...

My code as follows: ```python @cache_response(60 * 30) @api_view(['GET']) def get_surface_subsidence_data(request, measuring_point_id: int, node_id: int): pass ``` It's normal if I didn't use `@cache_response`. I got a error `TypeError: inner()...


## Summary - Replaced string-based node definitions with enums in plan-and-execute.ipynb for better readability and fewer errors. - Updated graph.py and state.py to accept enums in graph operations, enhancing code...