pokemon-javascript-react-game copied to clipboard
Um jogo desenvolvido em react inspirado na saga pokemon de GBA | A game developed in react inspired by the GBA pokemon saga
Website Pokemon React Game
I got this ideia from Chris in video listed below and implemented for react with hooks!
Project Management Helper
Designer Patterns
To run and test
Clone the repo, npm install
and npm start
Have Fun! (Not Yet)
Want develop from scrtach ? Watch this video!
in order to help you to run or fork this project that steps i followed in dev stages.
Github Project
Map Creation (Web Map Editor)
Web Tile Editor
- [x] Tile Layering for Ocean and Landmasses
- [ ] Layering and placment of Trees
- [ ] LandScape Details
- [x] Colision and Map bondaries
- [ ] Foreground Layers
- [ ] Export Layer for Project Import
Player And Map Dev
Check all PRS HERE
- [x] Project Setup
- [x] Import and render Map
- This system has been improved! Check here
- [x] Player creation
- [x] Move player in map with KeyDowns
- This system has been improved! Check here
- [x] Player-to-map-bondaries (Colision)
- [ ] Foreground Objects
- [ ] Player Movement animation
Battle Sequence
- [ ] Battle Activation
- [ ] Transiction from map to battle sequences
- [ ] DrawBattle Background
- [ ] Add Battle Sprites
Map Editor
Soon we will be able to use the web tile editor, now map are dynamic created. Deprecated Tiled are an TileMap creator. Avaliable for all OS. Use Tiled to create, generate and export map assets.