SortableGridField copied to clipboard
disableSelection should be avoided.
The use of disableSelection should be avoided, when using inline editting( the function prevents selecting text and textareafields.
" Caveat emptor: .disableSelection() is actually harmful on some browsers, as it prevents clicking active elements (e.g. textareas) inside the sortable.
Firefox 33.1 for Mac OS X (Yosemite): .disableSelection() prevents clicking on embedded textarea; doesn't seem to have any effect otherwise (i.e. it is still impossible to select text with the mouse in the sortable if omitted) Chrome 39.0.2171.71 (64-bit) for Mac OS X: .disableSelection() seems to have no effect whatsoever. "
This can be turned off by setting the 2nd parameter to new GridFieldSortableRows()
to false. That said I'll add this to the list to default it to false in a future release.
Thanks for the response.