Training-Mode copied to clipboard
ASC Queue+Global AS Frame Count+Frames Intangible+PostHitstunFrames
For both files under this folder, I get the error: "The System Cannot Find the Path Specified." This happens when I click the Build Training Mode Codeset. I am using GitHub desktop, not downloading the ZIP file. Also, this doesn't seem to be an issue of unnecessary spaces in the name (an earlier issue, as I understand). Are there any ideas on what might be causing the issue?
C:\Users(my name)\Downloads\Dolphin Directory\Training-Mode\Build TM Codeset>gecko build 2020/12/05 03:21:20 Failed to read file at ..\ASM\training-mode\Onscreen Display\Additional Playerblock Variables\ASC Queue+Global AS Frame Count+Frames Intangible+PostHitstunFrames\Store Previous AS+Reset AS Frame Count Timer.asm open ..\ASM\training-mode\Onscreen Display\Additional Playerblock Variables\ASC Queue+Global AS Frame Count+Frames Intangible+PostHitstunFrames\Store Previous AS+Reset AS Frame Count Timer.asm: The system cannot find the path specified. 2020/12/05 03:21:20 Failed to write temporary asm file open ..\ASM\training-mode\Onscreen Display\Additional Playerblock Variables\ASC Queue+Global AS Frame Count+Frames Intangible+PostHitstunFrames\Inc Frame Count+Frames Tangible+Hitstun.asmtemp: The system cannot find the path specified.
C:\Users(my name)\Downloads\Dolphin Directory\Training-Mode\Build TM Codeset>pause Press any key to continue . . .
Same issue here. Double checked file names, still received the error.
So this issue is due to the file path being too long for Windows. I renamed these files and folders a week or 2 ago. Are you guys still having issues with the latest commit?
Ran into the issue after not getting GCR to build the game and then tried rebuilding. Moved source folder to another directory and ran once more and worked fine. Also ran into a gecko not a command issue once also think it was the file path name though