OctoDash copied to clipboard
TouchScreen Controls Inverted
What doesn't work? My LCD touchscreen touch points are upside down. I was able to get the display to be orientated correctly, however having difficulties getting the touch points correct.
What did you already try? I believe I need to set "xinput set-prop ‘ADS7846 Touchscreen’ ‘Coordinate Transformation Matrix’ -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1"
I opened a terminal on the display through Ratpoison (CTRL + T, C) ran the command, it accepted it but nothing changed. I also put the command in my $HOME/.xinitrc before OctoDash is launched, no change.
I tested with a normal Raspbian image and it works properly, I just cannot get it to work with Ratpoison and Octodash. Any help is appreciated.
General Information:
- Hardware Raspberry Pi 4B - Generic 5in touchscreen LCD
- OS Info Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
- OctoDash Version v1.8.6
- OctoPrint Version Octopi 0.18.0
I had the same issue. My screen is in vertical position. Open /boot/config.txt using PuTTY with the following code: sudo nano /boot/config.txt
To rotate the screen (1 for 90 degrees, 2 for 180 degrees, 3 for 270 degrees) write this line: display_lcd_rotate=3
The following line fixed my touch screen points. I believe this swaps the X and Y coordinates. You can give it a try. dtoverlay=pri-ft5406,touchscreen-swapped-x-y=1,touchscreen-inverted-y=1
You can find more info here: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=253973
... and here: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=253959&p=1549853#p1549853
Hi @bokodimate Thank you for the input. I found those same articles you linked, it appears with Raspberry pi 4 the /boot/config.txt changes no longer work.. Due to an update video driver you have to use: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate inverted
Here is the site I found the updated changes.. https://linuxhint.com/rotate-screen-in-raspberry-pi/
I really think the xinput set-prop command is the way to make the touchpoints correction, im just unfamiliar on how to make it work with octodash.