push icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
push copied to clipboard

Setting window width/height to 0 in push:setupScreen causes blank screen

Open FormularSumo opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

The minimal code to reproduce the issue:

function love.load() push = require 'push' push:setupScreen(1920, 1080, 0, 0) end

function love.draw() push:start() love.graphics.rectangle('fill',10,10,100,100) push:finish() end

A window running at my desktop resolution opens but nothing within push:start() and push:finish() draws. If I move love.graphics.rectangle to be after push:finish it does draw.

If I change window width & height to any other value, either in push:setupScreen or by calling push:resize rectangle does draw.

FormularSumo avatar Apr 17 '21 20:04 FormularSumo