Ultimate.Hosts.Blacklist copied to clipboard
[FEATURE] Add Discord & Steam Phishing URLs
Link : https://github.com/Dogino/Discord-Phishing-URLs
Readme.md :
Discord & Steam Phishing URLs
This repository contains a sorted scam-urls.txt file of known phishing links used on Discord. Scammers and userbots might use those links for stealing tokens, passwords, IP addresses and much more. Please check below the list of the currently known scams on Discord. Be careful NOT to open those links or download any file for ANY reason unless you understand the risks and know what you are doing.
You may want to check this domain list and compare those links to see if they are legit or not. Purpose of this repository
Comparing domains to see if they are used for phishing Checking which scams are currently used by userbots and what to do in case you got scammed Blocking those URLs from loading completely in your home network using [Pi-Hole](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole) adlists (use [this file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dogino/Discord-Phishing-URLs/main/pihole-phishing-adlist.txt) as adlist to block them and make sure gravity is costantly updated) Phades, a Discord bot which deletes and bans users who post these links
Can you add this list please ? I've been scamed with a link inside this list, if I know this list before... I don't have problem. The scam url : csgo3.com I try to find it in your hosts file, it doesn't appear. I use the Ultimate Hosts Blacklist DNS because I use windows...
Best regards