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Repo for hassio addons
``` De installatie van de invoegtoepassing is mislukt The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -c sed -i -e 's/\(uid.*=.*\)/uid = "root"/g' forked-daapd.conf && sed -i s#"ipv6 = yes"#"ipv6 = no"#g forked-daapd.conf...
Since I upgraded to Home Assistant OS 5.8, the addon can't succesfully start anymore. I hope you can assist, thanks in advance! ` [2020-12-15 09:02:28] [ LOG] lib: Library init...
I got a message that I have less then 1 GB free, when I removed the forked-daapd plugin, I suspect the logs are stored and are creating huge files
I attempted to install the forked-daapd unsucessfully. Had the same issue as #22 However, now i see that there are hundreds of this message in the log `2021-03-02 09:04:18 INFO...
I'm pushing a first try at ingress. It seems to work pretty well if you're accessing HA directly, as far as I can tell at least. On the other hand...
I think this might be related to Raspotify. The artwork is not coming into Forked-Daapd via the pipe. Is it missing a setting in the configuration to pass the artwork...
Hey Ulrar, Since few days, Forked Daapd addon doesn't work anymore. At startup, I can see this logs: - Cache deinit - Worker deinit - Database deinit - mDNS deinit...
Radicale won't start, error message: s6-overlay-suexec: fatal: can only run as pid 1