Peter Tribe
Peter Tribe
For reference... Contains many improvements + updates
@aholkner just as some info did some digging and based on your values, it appears not consitant Heres my findings... if (version == FbxVersion.v6_0) { //unknown } else if (version...
@hamish-milne @aholkner Finally sussed correct footer check similar would need to be done for writer... ``` protected bool CheckFooter(BinaryReader stream, FbxVersion version) { var position = stream.BaseStream.Position; var paddingLength =...
@MiloszKrajewski This came about whilst doing a library to parse Pixar's Usdc file formats. Certain parts of the data are compressed and they give you the compressed buffer size but...
@MiloszKrajewski looks like i cant use LZ4Stream.Decode as a substitute for LZ4Codec.Decode as complains 'LZ4 frame magic number expected'
@JimBobSquarePants Imagesharp.Textures is waiting me to come back to it, still need to sort more in the Pixel Format area but there are some dds format variants correctly decoding so...
@jkuhlmann in my case Xbox 360. I have made some modifications which has made it work. But maybe a better more complete way to do it that also supports writing...
@jkuhlmann []( I have attached a zip showing my changes. You will see int.h which add various int types not available for XBOX Original. Then the endian helper which checks...
@youarebritish how did you know I’m British, although been living in canada 7 years now :) This repo is a overhaul of someone else’s work and what I’ve been working...
@youarebritish cool, will look into making them public for now. Out of interest if you don’t mind me asking, what do you use the writing features for / use of...