Daniel Penalva
Daniel Penalva
Linus method. Thank you C. Olah. One of the problems is that the Show function returns nan. However make_t_image and transform_f evaluations returns numeric values, what make me wonderer that...
thank you again, iam trying the following (this is mentioned in the render_vis docstring) ```python with tf.get_default_graph().as_default() as graph, tf.Session() as sess: T = render.make_vis_T(model, "mixed4a:300") tf.initialize_all_variables().run() for i in...
i cant get the code to work, nor the same notebook of the tutorial, nor this simpler version (or more boring as stated in the docstring). As Colah said, there...
Can you post your configurations, versions and the versions of dependencies that you are running (i was not able to run nor texture 3D nor the basics). Maybe if i...
that's right, however i still thinking on change model(run/eval) -> save model again, so that's why i found the question pertinent. Already tried the model.graph_def saving, empty .pb, i think...
Only to note, this seems to be related to the issue i posted #162 . Seems to be that there is no compatibility although the both inherit from TF metaclass.