PdfPig copied to clipboard
Exception: Could not find the object number 6503 0 with type StreamToken instead, it was found with type ObjectToken.
I am trying to read the file "https://highviewsoftware-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/p/haozhang/EXAIGXaJWvtOkk290uBJdMQBOMXbk3OhWUI1YEesmxjpjw?e=437ejE" but I am getting an exception "Could not find the object number 6530 0 with type StreamToken instead, it was found with type ObjectToken".
The error is encountered when going through Pages.
I am using Nuget package 0.1.8. .NET 6.0 I am using the following code:
using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(fileBytes, new ParsingOptions { SkipMissingFonts = true }))
I am using the following code:
using (PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.Open(fileBytes))
get error: No CID System Info was found in the CID Font dictionary: <BaseFont, /Times-Italic>, <Encoding, /WinAnsiEncoding>, <Subtype, /Type1>, <Type, /Font>