Udayendu Kar
Udayendu Kar
Please find the attached telegraf.conf file that I am using. [telegraf.conf](https://github.com/jorgedlcruz/vmware-grafana/files/6362926/telegraf.conf.txt)
> > > Thank you, I was trying to see the config that is about the VMware part, please any findings why that report if not visible about VM's CPU...
And I observed that now the vmware-vsphere-vms dashboard is not working at all. Any changes has been done from your end ?
> > Hello, No, I have not edited or done anything to make that not working. My guess is that you do not have the vsphere.conf properly configured. Can you...
A discussion is going on in the community about the same issue and they are expecting some query language issue: https://community.grafana.com/t/invalid-compilation-failed-error-at-xxxx-expected-comma-in-property-list-got-lparen/46315/3
@jorgedlcruz After downgrading the InfluxDB to 1.8.5, it started working. So if you want to keep close this then we can, else keep it open for your tracking for enhancement.
@Vad1mo, any idea by when this feature will be available ?
@OrlinVasilev / @prahaladdarkin, I am using v2.10.1 with trivy v0.49.1 but still can't see the export pdf button under the Vulnerabilities tab. Only the following options are available.  As...
> Is this path actually needed, the example is for a test in the root path, it's just in your situation you have a task in a sub folder needing...