ORB_SLAM3 copied to clipboard
example script files are missing!
I cannot find example script files(euroc_examples.sh, euroc_eval_examples.sh, tum_vi_examples.sh, tum_vi_eval_examples.sh). Why these files were deleted in recent commit?
Me too. What is the problems?
Me too.
Same problem here.
I downloaded the previous commit of ORBSLAM3 (made on Sep 29, 2021). It does contain tum_vi_examples.sh in the "Examples" folder of the root directory. It is working for me.
I found the following information. In Dic 22-2021 commit 0df83dde1c85c7ab91a0d47de7a29685d046f637. Several files were added to the .gitignore and some files were deleted. As @jatinnimawat mentioned, a stable commit is in the 578500b836ea05be40d6188b815bb0ddbcdc75f1 commit on Sep 39, 2021