ORB_SLAM3 copied to clipboard
ot preintegrated measurement
Whenever i'm trying to run the ros_mono_inertial node with image and imu topic being subscribed i'm getting this errros:
LM: Active map reset, waiting...
LM: Reseting current map in Local Mapping...
LM: End reseting Local Mapping...
LM: Reset free the mutex
LM: Active map reset, Done!!!
mnFirstFrameId = 278
mnInitialFrameId = 208
3 Frames set to lost
First KF:4; Map init KF:2
New Map created with 204 points
Point distribution in KeyFrame: left-> 204 --- right-> 0
build optimization graph
Not preintegrated measurement
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I'm using ubuntu 20.04 and ros noetic and have sucesfully built the orb_slam3 library and the ros_mono_inertial node. The ros_mono node runs succesfully.
Same but i am not using ROS. Moreover it gave me this error after few successful runs
@roboticsai @GabHoo Hi, I am reading the imu output from android device and got this error as well. Any idea what is causing this yet?
@roboticsai @GabHoo @kenmaro3 Did any of you manage to solve the problem? I am getting the same error when trying to use the IMU measurements in a KITTI sequence.
Hello!Have you solved this problem?
i am also encountering this problem,can anyone solve this problem?
I have the same problem, have you solved this?
Empty IMU measurements vector!!! Not preintegrated measurement