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Have assoc token creation where the mint is

Open acamill opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

If mint is owned by program, the account creation might make more sense to be there instead than in a local instruction. https://github.com/project-serum/anchor/pull/790

We already mentionned it, not sure what's best

    // XXX this may make sense to be in the program 
    const ix = createAssocTokenIx(wallet, userBTCDepositoryRedeemableTokenAccount, depositoryBTC.redeemableMintPda);
    await Depository.rpc.deposit(depositAmountBTC, {
      accounts: {
        user: wallet.publicKey,
        state: depositoryBTC.statePda,
        programCoin: depositoryBTC.depositPda,
        redeemableMint: depositoryBTC.redeemableMintPda,
        userCoin: userBTCTokenAccount,
        userRedeemable: userBTCDepositoryRedeemableTokenAccount,
        systemProgram: SystemProgram.programId,
        tokenProgram: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
      signers: [wallet.payer],
      options: TXN_OPTS,
      instructions: [ix],

acamill avatar Oct 09 '21 02:10 acamill