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Any way to compile sass?
Hello, I would love to use this addon, but all mu colors are generated. Is any way to compile the sass files before extracting the values? Thanks in advance.
Hey. So far I haven't found a good way to compile sass variable declarations in the browser and extract the necessary information. But I'm definitely open for suggestions. The same goes for Less.
Maybe it is possible to use sass interop with Javascript? That way at least sass variables can be used
Since the Storybook uses Webpack. You can leverage sass-loader to compile your SASS files into single file. Preserve the CSS token annotations and point the add-on to it.
import content from '!!raw-loader!sass-loader?{"sassOptions":{"outputStyle":"expanded"}}!../path/to/your/index.scss';
export const parameters = {
designToken: {
files: [{ filename: 'index.css', content: content.toString() }],
Since the Storybook uses Webpack. You can leverage sass-loader to compile your SASS files into single file. Preserve the CSS token annotations and point the add-on to it.
//.storybook/preview.js import content from '!!raw-loader!sass-loader?{"sassOptions":{"outputStyle":"expanded"}}!../path/to/your/index.scss'; export const parameters = { ... designToken: { files: [{ filename: 'index.css', content: content.toString() }], }, };
Sass won't compile variable declarations to css variables, will it? So if I don't miss anything, this would result in a index.css without any token declarations.
would be great to have it!
$variable: someFunction(param, param2)
someFunction($param, $param2) {
@return unquote("hsla(#{$param}, #{$param2}, 100%, 1");
add-on doesn't return compiled hsla color value but a function
This was a deliberate design choice for preprocessed styles (Sass, Less). Afaik there is no reasonable way to compile the scss styles and not lose the token/variable information.
You could generate CSS custom properties from your Sass variables and annotate them. (see
Since the Storybook uses Webpack. You can leverage sass-loader to compile your SASS files into single file. Preserve the CSS token annotations and point the add-on to it.
//.storybook/preview.js import content from '!!raw-loader!sass-loader?{"sassOptions":{"outputStyle":"expanded"}}!../path/to/your/index.scss'; export const parameters = { ... designToken: { files: [{ filename: 'index.css', content: content.toString() }], }, };
Sass won't compile variable declarations to css variables, will it? So if I don't miss anything, this would result in a index.css without any token declarations.
Sass won't generate custom props automatically. That would be the responsibility of the author. But it is easy to do. A simple example.
This feature would be awesome 🥳 🚀 because my preference is to maintain a map of tokens in scss and then generate the custom props from there. This gives a lot of flexibility to consumers of my component lib.
$palette-map: (
brand: dodgerblue,
status-critical: crimson,
:root {
* @tokens Colors
* @presenter Color
@each $name, $color in $palette-map {
--prefix-color-#{$name}: #{$color};
Perhaps I'll take a stab at a PR with @kiwi-admin's suggestion.