UWPX-Client copied to clipboard
Did not send message, due to connection state is DISCONNECTED
Bevor you create a new issue:
- [X] I searched for similar issues and did not find one
- [X] I'm using the latest version available in the [Windows Store](https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NW16X9JB5WV)
I'm submitting a...:
- Bug report (I searched for similar issues and did not find one) -->
Current behavior:
cur.log contains thousands of these messages.
Expected behavior:
Bug causing this is resolved.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions:
App Version(s):
v. <!-- Which version of the App are you using (e.g. v.0.2.0) -->
Windows 10 Version Number: <!-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_version_history -->
- [X] 1909
- [ ] 1809
- [ ] 1803
- [ ] 1709
- [ ] 1703
- [ ] 1607
- [ ] 1511
- [ ] 1507
- [ ] Insider Build (build number: )
- [ ] Misc:
Device form factor:
- [X] Desktop
- [ ] Mobile
- [ ] Xbox
- [ ] Surface Hub
Where did you got the APP from?
- [X] [Windows Store](https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NW16X9JB5WV)
- [ ] Self-build, using a provided release source
- [ ] Self-build, repo cloned at [dd.mm.yyy] <!-- When did you clone the repo! -->
- [ ] Misc, got it from... <!-- Please tell us your source! -->
Thanks for reporting. I will investigate it as soon as possible. Might be related to: https://github.com/UWPX/UWPX-Client/issues/142#issuecomment-757131300
Thanks for looking into this. My point was mainly the extraordinary volume of these messages in the log. 122000 within 15 seconds.
I can't seam to be able to reproduce this bug on my side. When you go into account settings, is your account connected (green) the whole time?
For a bit of background: The app tries, to send all outstanding messages as soon as the account connects for the next time.
Well the App Icon in the Taskbar is constantly rapidly flashing... its showing 99+ and I guess that's the message history being pulled. The account is green the whole time. And I am not sure what messages is the app trying to send, because I did not send any.