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Database update needed to Country table for MRZ codes
The iso-3 table is fine.
There are some three letter codes agreed not to be used by iso-3, because they mean things in the MRZ for travel documents. We should add those. Per wikipedia;
Codes currently agreed not to use In addition, the ISO 3166/MA will not use the following alpha-3 codes at the present stage, as they are used in ISO/IEC 7501-1 for special machine-readable passports:
GBD identifies a British Passport holder who is a British Overseas Territories citizen GBN identifies a British Passport holder who is a British National (Overseas) GBO identifies a British Passport holder who is a British Overseas citizen GBP identifies a British Passport holder who is a British protected person GBS identifies a British Passport holder who is a British subject UNA is used as a substitute for nationality where the holder is an Official of a Specialized Agency of the UN Organization UNK identifies Kosovo residents to whom travel documents were issued by the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo (UNMIK) UNO is used to designate the UN Organization as the issuer and used as a substitute for nationality where the holder is an Official of the UN Organization