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New Installation Instructions for Core GTAS on a Virtual Machine
How to Install core GTAS in a VirtualBox Virtual Machine Running CentOS 7
A video deomonstrating how to install core GTAS is available on YouTube at the link below.
- VirtualBox
- CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso ( ) . This .iso file is 4GB
- Modern web browser (No Internet Explorer)
Additional Hardware Requirements for Virtual Machine (Minimum)
- 4 GB RAM for core GTAS application. More RAM is needed for ELK stack and Neo4j
- 14 GB disk space
- The open internet
Step 1: Create Virtual Machine and Install CentOS 7
- Download the CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso if you haven't already
- Start VirtualBox application
- Click "New" in Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
- Name your virtual machine. If you include CentOS it will automatically change to RedHat Linux (64-bit). It is probably the best choice since CentOS was derived from RHEL
- Click Continue
- Adjust RAM greater than or equal to 4GB and click "Continue"
- Select "Create virtual hard disk now" (default) and click "Create"
- Select "VDI (VirtualBox Disk Images)" and click Continue
- Select "Fixed size" (this is a preference, not a requirement) and click "Continue"
- Adjust disk space greater than or equal to 14GB and click "Create"
- Click "Settings" in the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
- Click "Display" and increase Video Memory to the maximum
- Click "Storage" and select the "Empty" disk under "Controller: IDE"
- Click the disk icon on the right of "Optical Drive:" under "Attributes"
- Select "choose a disk file" from the dropdown menu and select CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso and click "OK"
- Click "Start" in Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager to start virtual machine
- Wizard should default to the .iso selected previously. Click "Start"
- Select Install CentOS7 and press return
- Adjust screen size in menubar if necessary View>Virtual Screen 1>
- in "Base Environment" select "GNOME Desktop" (other Add-Ons for Selected Environment are preferences, not requirements) and click "Done"
- Select "INSTALLATION DESTINATION" and click "Done"
- Select "NETWORK & HOST NAME" and click toggle next to "Ethernet" and click "Done"
- Click "Begin Installation"
- Click "ROOT PASSWORD" to set root password and click "Done"
- Click "USER CREATION" to create other users and click "Done"
- Wait for installation to complete and click "Reboot"
- Accept the License and click "Done"
Step 2: Install VirtualBox Guest Additions and Enable File Sharing
- Login as root under "Not listed?"
- Click "Devices>Insert Guest Additions CD Image" in menubar of Host Machine
- Click Run in wizard window to run installation script
- When prompted, press Return to close the window
- Devices>Shard Folders>Shared Folder Settings
- Click the "Add a folder" icon and select a path to the folder you want to share between your Host and your Virtual Machine. Select "Auto-mount" and "Make Permanent" and click "OK". Then Click "OK" on the next window
- The "sf_Desktop" drive should be visible on your Virtual Machine desktop
- Select Devices>Shared Clipboard>Bidirectional (preference, not requirement)
- Select Devices>Drag and Drop>Bidirectional (preference, not requirement)
- On the Oracle VirtualBox Manager, right click the VM and select close>Power Off and click "Power Off" in the popup.
- On the Oracle VirtualBox Manager, right click the VM and select Start>Normal Start (for bidirectional clipboard/drag and drop changes to take effect)
Step 3 : Install Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8u202
This will require registering as a user with Oracle. It's free.
Open FireFox and copy this link into the address bar to navigate to Oracle's download page.
Download the jdk-8u202-linux-x64.rpm
you will need to be logged in as root or use sudo to install java
move it to the /opt directory by opening Terminal (right click on desktop) and running
mv ~/Downloads/jdk-8u202-linux-x64.rpm /opt
Go to /opt directory
cd /opt/
Run local install command
yum localinstall jdk-8u202-linux-x64.rpm
Type "y" when prompted in the installation wizard
Run alternatives command
alternatives --config java
Select the correct number option for 8u202
Check version by running the command
java -version
Step 4: Install Apache Maven
- In the terminal, use the wget command to download Apache Maven
- Expand and install
tar -xzvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz
- Give ownership to the user
chown -R root:root /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/
- Add Maven to your paths
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile
- Refresh profile to enforce changes
cd /etc/
. profile
- Change working directory back to /opt and check version to confirm installation and
cd /opt/
mvn -version
- Check paths to ensure /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin is there
echo $PATH
Step 5: Install Apache ActiveMQ
- In the terminal, use the wget command to download Apache ActiveMQ
- Expand and install
tar -xzvf apache-activemq-5.16.0-bin.tar.gz
- Start ActiveMQ
./apache-activemq-5.16.0/bin/activemq start
- Confirm installation and status by viewing in web browser http://localhost:8161/admin
user: admin password: admin
Step 6: Install Apache Tomcat
- In the terminal, use the wget command to download Apache Tomcat
- Expand and install
tar -xzvf apache-tomcat-9.0.37.tar.gz
Step 7: Install MariaDB Client and Server
- update yum repositories
sudo yum -y update
- modify MariaDB repo to select correct versions for GTAS use
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo<<EOF
- Copy and paste all of this text into the document editor and press "return"
name = MariaDB
baseurl =
- Update the cache
sudo yum makecache fast
- Download and install MariaDB server and client software
sudo yum -y install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client
- Enable MariaDB as a service
sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb
- Configure MariaDB installation
sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Follow the prompts. Configure to suit your preferences
Step 8: Install GTAS from Source Code on GitHub
Download the source code
git clone --branch dev --single-branch
To create the GTAS database, navigate to gtas-commons
cd GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-commons/
Run the following command
mvn clean install
Run each of these commands sequentially, after the previous is successful
mvn hibernate:update
mvn hibernate:drop
mvn hibernate:create
check for creation of database and table population
mysql -u root -p
enter password from MaraiDB configuration
Select GTAS database
use gtas;
check tables
show tables;
check user table
select * from user;
To compile .war files from source code, navigate to the gtas-parent directory
cd /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/
Run clean install command
mvn clean install
Copy .war files and application.configuration file to the tomcat server
cp /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-job-scheduler-war/target/gtas-job-scheduler.war /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/webapps/
cp /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-webapp/target/gtas.war /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/webapps/
cp /opt/GTAS/gtas-parent/gtas-commons/src/main/resources/ /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/conf/
Create directories for messages. The best place for them is in the Host/Virutal Machine shared directory
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/in
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/working
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/out
mkdir /media/sf_Desktop/error
Change the directory addresses in "" for the file loader to match the directories made
vim /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/conf/
press "i" to insert make required edits to the doc press "esc" to stop press ":" to enter prompt type "wq" and press "enter" to write and quit
- change the directory addresses for the file loader to match the directories made (i.e. message.dir.origin=/media/sf_Desktop/in )
- To start the server, enter the command
/opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.37/bin/ run
- You can now access the GTAS webapp by opening a browser and navigating to: http://localhost:8080/gtas/login.html username: admin password: password
Step 9 Optional: Forward ports to access GTAS on Host Machine
In the CentOS user interface, in the menu bar, go to firewall settings: Applications>Sundry>Firewall
configuration permanent add 8080
configuration runtime add 8080
on Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager go to the menu bar on the Host Machine: Network>Advanced>Port Forwarding
Add a rule
Name: webapp Protocol: TCP Host IP: Host Port: 8080 Guest IP: Guest Port: 8080
- Access the web application on your host machine at the address: username: admin password: password
The GTAS build process (step 8) requires the MySQL root user to have the password "admin" otherwise it'll fail. I'd recommend adding it to the guidance above.
Apache maven link is broker.
you can use this: