Enrico Marconi
Enrico Marconi
## Description Add a way for `identity.rs`'s JWS verifiers - i.e. `EdDSAJwsVerifier` and `EcDSAJwsVerfier` - to enable verification of data that has already been hashed. ## Motivation Enable developers to...
## Description Extend the `JwsVerifier` trait to provide a `verify_prehashed` method as well. See #1418. ## Motivation Allow developers to verify JWS signatures created using custom hashing algorithms
Implementation of SD-JWT VC draft 5. ### Todo - Tests, tests, tests - Integration with credentials created through `identity_credential` - Verification & validation - Properly encode Rendering Metadata
## Bug description When a document stored on the iota network (i.e. an `IotaDocument`) has its `controller` property set to a DID with a DID method different that "iota" (e.g....