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small kernels segfault
I have a couple of very small polybench kernels that cause scaleHLS to crash with the following error:
scalehls-opt: scalehls/polygeist/llvm-project/mlir/lib/Dialect/Affine/Utils/LoopUtils.cpp:464: mlir::LogicalResult performPreTilingChecks(MutableArrayRef<mlir::AffineForOp>, ArrayRef<t>) [t = unsigned int]: Assertion `input.size() == tileSizes.size() && "Too few/many tile sizes"' failed.
PLEASE submit a bug report to and include the crash backtrace.
Stack dump:
0. Program arguments: scalehls-opt test_symm.mlir -debug-only=scalehls "-scalehls-dse-pipeline=top-func=test_symm target-spec=scalehls/samples/polybench/config.json"
Is there a lower limit to the size of kernels that can be handled? These were symm 2x2 and trmm 2x2, but I have other 2x2 kernels that work fine.