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Platform for building statistical models of cities and regions
Hi Everyone, I originally made this post on the SanFran_Urbansim git but it seems like those forums have been pretty inactive recently and the source of my error seems to...
In Pandas 1.2+, `pandas.Index.to_native_types()` is deprecated, raising warnings like the following: This comes up in code that serializes data to yaml for storage and later reloading. [urbansim/utils/yamlio.py#L48](https://github.com/UDST/urbansim/blob/5d934c6ff7662dee909cb1c5c80b83d385bae1e7/urbansim/utils/yamlio.py#L48) The replacement suggested...
Hey guys, I'm just going through this code and noticing, it doesn't seem to have the same functionality as what's been implemented in the UrbanSim Cloud Platform. Where can I...
#### Description of the bug Wes McKinney's intro to pandas is no more available http://udst.github.io/urbansim/gettingstarted.html#pandas Vimeo link points to nowhere https://vimeo.com/59324550
Some of our unit test syntax has been deprecated and removed in recent versions of PyTest. For example, tests that directly called the `df()` fixture defined in [test_mnl.py#L82](https://github.com/UDST/urbansim/blob/master/urbansim/urbanchoice/tests/test_mnl.py#L82) were raising...
When running transition model, the resulting data frame loses the index name (I'm guessing because of the concat). Is this worth preserving? This would be a simple fix, but not...
The transition model will not work well if the subset of agents to be sampled from is very small or even empty. Thus, an option of relaxing the filtering conditions...
In the MNL estimation code there are bounds set on the coefficient values, i guess so that unstable models will converge on something. The default bounds are (-3, 3), which...
It would be very useful if the dcm estimation class reports how many records were used in the estimation. Especially in segmented choice models, when the segments might be smaller...
At yesterday's meeting with @semcogli and @janowicz we discuss whether #211 would have a practical impact on our models. I thought I would run an experiment. On our computer, I...