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TweetyNet Missing Annotations

Open lmendes14 opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

When running TweetyNet in PyHa through generate_automated_labels() from the IsoAutio module, some files result in neither any annotations nor in any errors.

We found this issue when running it on the BirdCLEF2023 training data.

We used the following parameters when running TN:

isolation_parameters_tweety = { "model" : "tweetynet", "tweety_output": True, "verbose" : True }

When we called generate_automated_labels(), we passed in the default parameters.

I've uploaded all of the .wav files that resulted in zero annotations or errors to the shared e4e google drive under the folder 'BirdCLEF2023_Missing_Files_Issue'.

lmendes14 avatar Apr 28 '23 21:04 lmendes14