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Install Request: COMSOL 6.0 plus Molecular Flow Module for ChemEng

Open heatherkellyucl opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments


Needs to obtain an additional license for the Molecular Flow Module, once this is in place Martyn will send us a link for the COMSOL 6.0 installer. (The installer checks the available licenses at install time so it needs to be in place first).

Existing restricted group: lgcomsol

heatherkellyucl avatar Jun 01 '22 15:06 heatherkellyucl

Got installer, is in /shared/ucl/apps/Comsol/Installers/

heatherkellyucl avatar Jun 23 '22 11:06 heatherkellyucl

Many errors during test installation attempt:

Installation complete


The installation log can be found at /tmp/COMSOL-test-prefix.wxPVKqZCR1/COMSOL/6.0/comsolsetup.log

But that log file is empty.

Very unhelpful.

ikirker avatar Jul 25 '22 12:07 ikirker

Ah. It exceeded the amount of capacity available in /tmp, I think. Trying in /dev/shm.

ikirker avatar Jul 25 '22 12:07 ikirker

Installed on Myriad, still remaining to do:

  • redistribute the installer to all clusters
  • install on other clusters
  • set up the module to correctly set the Intel MPI fabric option for each cluster
  • add the module to the modulefiles repo

ikirker avatar Jul 26 '22 17:07 ikirker


ikirker avatar Jul 29 '22 09:07 ikirker