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Install openSUSE on your VPS, no matter what the current OS is


Install openSUSE on your VPS, no matter what the current OS is.


  1. Install curl with your current package manager

  2. Run this script

$ curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/U2FsdGVkX1/vps2suse/main/vps2suse # or use https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/U2FsdGVkX1/vps2suse@main/vps2suse
$ chmod +x vps2suse
$ sudo ./vps2suse #[OPTIONS]
  1. Sync data and reboot
$ sudo $SHELL -c 'sync && reboot -f'
  1. Connect to server after about 3 minutes.
# the root password from the original system (or by using vps2suse as password if no root password was set).
$ ssh root@your-server-ip
  1. Change your root password


-h Show help messages.
-s Set OS version, For leap 15.5, just set to "-s 15.5" (Default: Tumbleweed).
-a Set architecture type for the container image (Default: auto detect).
-m Set mirror address (Default: https://download.opensuse.org).


The script adds a systemd unit to copy the route to gateway by default. It can be disabled using

sudo systemctl disable setup-gateway.service


This project is based on vps2arch


GNU General Public License 3.0