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A sytem for Named Entity Disambiguation based on Random Walks and Learning to Rank.
WNED - Walking Named Entity Disambiguation
WNED is an entity linking systems that accepts text with marked named entities and links them to their referent entities in a knowledge base (e.g. Wikipedia).
- mvn package
System Setup
- Export environment: export CP=target/wned-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar:lib/:.*
- Create directory to put all needed system data (see el.config for example)
In the following instructions, we assume all data are put under $PWD/entitylinking (NOTE: change it to the path on your computer)
Before you run WNED, we should have the following data ready under $PWD/entitylinking
- a2eIndex gate8.1 graph lucene-a2e models tfidfIndex
Alias Dictionary
- Generate the alias dictionary
- Generate the files (aliasOut.txt, redirectOut.txt, nameIDOut.txt).
- java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.kb.KBExtractor extract path-to-english-wikipedia-dump
- Resolve the redirect
- java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.kb.KBExtractor redirect aliasOut.txt, redirectOut.txt
- Generate the files (aliasOut.txt, redirectOut.txt, nameIDOut.txt).
- Build the lucene index for alias.
- java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.common.indexing.AliasLuceneIndex aliasOut.txt.new
- Move the alias index to the system data folder:
- $PWD/entitylinking/a2eIndex/
Index the Wikipedia articles
- Index using Lucene - for computing the context similarity between mention and candidates using tf-idf
- java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.common.indexing.WikipediaIndex index_directory path-to-english-wikipedia-dump
- Move the document index to the system data folder:
- $PWD/entitylinking/tfidfIndex/
Graph generation
- Generate the directed and undirected graph files
- java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.graph.extraction.WikiGraphExtractor extract path-to-english-wikipedia-dump
- Aggregate graph edges and generate edge weights using the pythong script (an implementation of merge sort on disk)
- python sort.py file_to_be_sort number_of_lines_in_file number_of_partitions
- python aggregate.py sorted_graph_file > graph_file.new
- Store the graph using the WebGraph (need to use the graphfile.new, and make sure /home/user/entitylinking/graph is created).
- DirectedGraph: java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.graph.DirectedGraph el.config directed-graph-file
- UndirectedGraph: java -cp $CP ca.ualberta.entitylinking.graph.UndirectedGraph el.config undirected-graph-file
- All graph related files are generated under $PWD/entitylinking/graph/
- Move all data files (alias index, graph files, etc.) under a common root directory.
- Update the el.config with the root directory.
- ./run.sh
See the benchmark dataset for example: http://dx.doi.org/10.7939/DVN/10968
If you use this code in your research, please acknowledge that by citing:
author = {Zhaochen Guo and
Denilson Barbosa},
title = {Robust Entity Linking via Random Walks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd {ACM} International Conference on Conference
on Information and Knowledge Management, {CIKM} 2014, Shanghai, China,
November 3-7, 2014},
pages = {499--508},
year = {2014},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2661829.2661887},
doi = {10.1145/2661829.2661887}
- Zhaochen Guo
- Denilson Barbosa
This work was funded by the NSERC Business Intelligence Network (BIN) and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF)