m3uGoogleMusicSync copied to clipboard
A python class to sync m3u playlists to Google Music.
Provides a utility class around the Google Music API that allows for easy syncing of m3u playlists.
##Features Choose a local playlist (m3u) to sync and it will:
- Create or modify an existing Google Music playlist
- Upload missing files
- Handles unicode filenames or paths (and relative paths)
- Add uploaded (or files already online) to playlist
- Optionally remove files not in local playlist (will not delete those files from the cloud)
- Adds each file to playlist individually as soon as the file is online (instead of as a batch at the end)
- Makes a best effort not to upload duplicate files by searching and comparing some basic info (this might fail if you modify id3 tags causing a duplicate to be uploaded)
- Save the filename as the title in the ID3 data if its missing (saves in ID3v2.4 so unfortunately its incompatible with Windows Explorer/Player - this is due to the mutagen library I'm afraid)
It does not:
- Remove duplicate entries from playlists
- Support duplicate copies of a file in a playlist (this actually may work - but is untested)
- Re-order playlists (only ensures they contain the same files)
- Add option to remove duplicates from playlist
- Allow and handle duplicates
- Option to re-order playlists
Latest [2013/04/04]
- Fixed to work with latest changes to API (v1.0.0 and above) This means it now uses OAuth for uploading... unfortunately this means you have to log in twice. If you're upgrading you'll need to 'pip uninstall gmusicapi' and then 'pip install gmusicapi' since the versioning changed (you might also need to use --upgrade to upgrade denendencies).
Latest [2013/03/11]
- Fixed to work with latest changes to API
- Unfortunately now require avconv for most uploads (see http://unofficial-google-music-api.readthedocs.org/en/latest/usage.html#usage)
Latest [2012/12/10]
- Fixed bug with uploaded files that had no track causing an inability to sync that playlist anymore
- Improved "already uploaded" detection (title and track checking)
- Can now safely upload files with no ID3 data (it will use the filename for title - see above)
- Now parses playlists correctly regardless of platform (ie: Windows playlist on Linux) and handles relative file locations
from musicsync import MusicSync
ms = MusicSync()
# Will prompt for Email and Password - if 2-factor auth is on you'll need to generate a one-time password
# The first time you use this (or another script that uses gmusicapi) you will be prompted to authenticate via an OAuth browser window - you will need to copy paste the URL (be careful - under Windows sometimes spaces are inserted into the copy/paste at new lines)
# To sync a playlist
# To sync a playlist including removing files that are no longer listed locally
ms.sync_playlist("/path/to/playlist.m3u", remove_missing=True)
# To delete a song from the cloud (provided only as convenience - must know the song ID)
##Requirements Requires:
- gmusicapi (can use: pip install gmusicapi - or get it from https://github.com/simon-weber/Unofficial-Google-Music-API)
- avconv (see http://unofficial-google-music-api.readthedocs.org/en/latest/usage.html#usage)
API used: https://github.com/simon-weber/Unofficial-Google-Music-API
Thanks to: Kevin Kwok and Simon Weber
Use at your own risk - especially for existing playlists
Free to use, reuse, copy, clone, etc