meshcentral-docker copied to clipboard
Unable to find mongodump
I used your docker-compose & created the container. everything works but i get this error message on the server
Server Warnings WARNING: Unable to find mongodump, MongoDB database auto-backup will not be performed.
I used your compose file as it with my modifications. I can run the mongodump command in the mongocentral_db container just fine but see this message. this is my compose file. can you please let me know how to solve this?
container_name: meshcentral_db
restart: always
image: mongo:latest
- 27017
- '/opt/meshcentral/database:/data/db'
restart: always
container_name: meshcentral
- 'mongodb'
image: typhonragewind/meshcentral:latest
- 8086:443 #MeshCentral will moan and try everything not to use port 80, but you can also use it if you so desire, just change the config.json according to your needs
- #your hostname
- REVERSE_PROXY= #set to your reverse proxy IP if you want to put meshcentral behind a reverse proxy
- IFRAME=false #set to true if you wish to enable iframe support
- ALLOW_NEW_ACCOUNTS=false #set to false if you want disable self-service creation of new accounts besides the first (admin)
- WEBRTC=false #set to true to enable WebRTC - per documentation it is not officially released with meshcentral, but is solid enough to work with. Use with caution
- NODE_ENV=production
- BACKUPS_PW=XYZXHHS!!@!# #password for the autobackup function
- BACKUP_INTERVAL=24 # Interval in hours for the autobackup function
- BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS=10 #number of days of backups the function keeps
- ./meshcentral/data:/opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-data #config.json and other important files live here. A must for data persistence
- ./meshcentral/user_files:/opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-files #where file uploads for users live
- ./meshcentral/backups:/opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-backups #Backups location
this is my config.json
"$schema": "",
"settings": {
"cert": "",
"mongodb": "mongodb://mongodb:27017/mesh",
"mongodbcol": "mesh",
"_WANonly": true,
"_LANonly": true,
"_sessionKey": "MyReallySecretPassword1",
"port": 443,
"_aliasPort": 443,
"redirPort": 80,
"_redirAliasPort": 80,
"AgentPong": 300,
"TLSOffload": false,
"SelfUpdate": false,
"AllowFraming": "false",
"WebRTC": "false",
"AutoBackup": {
"backupPath": "/opt/meshcentral/meshcentral-backups",
"backupInvervalHours": "24",
"keepLastDaysBackup": "10",
"zippassword": "tpM#%"
"domains": {
"": {
"title": "Central",
"_title2": "Servername",
"_minify": true,
"NewAccounts": "false",
"_userNameIsEmail": true,
"certUrl": ""
"_letsencrypt": {
"__comment__": "Requires NodeJS 8.x or better, Go to first before>",
"_email": "[email protected]",
"_names": "",
"production": false
The problem is that Meshcentral fails to use mongodump from container as it is too old(3.4.14 if i remember correctly) for your database (problem is regarding with mongodb snapshots). Lowering mongodb version to 3.6 (minimum supported by current MeshCentral) will do the trick.
As a workaround you can dump your database and try to restore it on older mongodb version. I rolled back from mongodb 5.0 to 3.6, no issues so far.
But i suggest author to try updating base container image to later Debian version (currently it is node:lts-buster-slim
, which is Debian 10)
@Typhonragewind, mind if i ask how did you fix this?
still references node:lts-buster-slim
, so it is using ancient MongoDB, while builds/regular/Dockerfile
using node:lts-slim
, which is Debian 12
Update: apparently newer version of Debian does not ship mongo-tools package[1]
[1] -
@Pinkbyte Hmm, it seems i forgot to save the changes on that one. Thanks for letting me know!