
Results 47 issues of Timea

Access money and not withdraw money on rafiki.money grant interaction page - web monetization and boutique instant buy grant

package: wallet/frontend
package: wallet/backend

In the Send transfer screen, when paying into an incoming payment URL, the UI should not let you change the description when sending a payment (it will be a read...

package: wallet/frontend

We need to check all places where we use Testnet naming, and change that to Test Wallet

package: wallet/frontend

**Context** We should simulate a settlement between two peering agreements. For example we could generate a pdf or send an email/invoice to the peer that needs to settle, with the...

package: wallet/frontend
package: wallet/backend

Transaction list column “payment pointer” rename to “payment pointer name” and a way to see the actual payment pointer address.

package: wallet/frontend

Issued/Approved/Finalized is confusing. Maybe just three states on the frontend? APPROVED/REJECTED/PENDING? Finalized -> Issued: APPROVED Finalized -> Rejected/Revoked: REJECTED Pending -> PENDING

package: wallet/frontend

Developer keys page We should add some description of what the keys are, with a link to the Open Payments docs. We should have a button to run through onboarding...

package: wallet/frontend

The send/receive toggle explanation should always be on the page, maybe in a tooltip

package: wallet/frontend

We should write a documentation for testnet. Document communication with Rafiki, testnet flow of funds.

type: documentation
priority: low

We would like to improve the code visibility, and package management by integrating turborepo or nx or lerna.

type: enhancement
priority: low