CucumberSwift copied to clipboard
@ in steps causes error
Describe the bug When there is @ in step description, like in email address, library will throw error: ["File: file:///....../logout.feature unexpected end of file, expected: #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #Comment, #Empty"]
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Use email address in step:
When User types text "[email protected]" into "email" input
Expected behavior Library should not read it like a tag, if @ is in quotation marks
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
- XCode Version: XCode 14.3
- CucumberSwift Version: 4.2.2
- Example Feature File:
# **************************************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2019 Surglogs Inc. - All Rights Reserved
# **************************************************************************************************
# This file is proprietary and confidential. Unauthorized COPYING of this file or any part of its
# content, via ANY MEDIUM, is strictly PROHIBITED.
# **************************************************************************************************
@authentication @logout
Feature: Logout
Allows the User to log out from the Application.
Key aspects:
• The User needs to be logged in in order to be able to log out.
Given No user is logged in
And 'Login' screen is displayed
# MAIN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@C1180178 @main @qa-ready
Scenario: Log out
When User types text "[email protected]" into "email" input
And User types text "123456" into "password" input
And User clicks on "log in" button
Then User should see 'Pin' screen
When User clicks on "log out" button
Then User should see dialog:
| CONTENT | Are you sure you want to log out from clinic? |
| POSITIVE | Yes |
When User clicks on dialog "Yes" button
Then User should not see any dialog
And User should see 'Login' screen
Any update, please?
Apologies, this one is a bit tricky because it's not the presence of quotes that has any effect on it. I haven't hide time to track down what exactly the rules are. My guess is that there's something akin to "tags can only show up at the beginning of a line" or "tags shouldn't be parsed if you're already parsing a known entity like a step or feature" but I need to understand what the spec says about it.
In the meantime, you can work around this by escaping it:
When User types text "test\" into "email" input