gromit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gromit copied to clipboard

The glue that bonds AWS, terraform and Github Actions.




Install from the releases page. To keep up with releases using zinit in turbo mode,

zinit wait lucid from"gh-r" nocompile for \
      bpick"*Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" TykTechnologies/gromit


This is ostensibly a cobra app and can be configured with a config file to save a bunch of typing. The embedded config.yaml contains the configuration that drives the templates.

All parameters can also be set by environment variables with the GROMIT_ prefix. So the environment variable for the config parameter cluster.domain would be GROMIT_CLUSTER_DOMAIN.


To various degrees of competence, gromit can,

  • manage templated files that can be rendered into any repo under management
    • releng
    • gpac (github policy as code)
  • fetch developer licenses for dashboard and mdcb
  • generate config files from a text/template
  • dump redis and mongo data for a classic cloud org to local disk (broken)
  • restore redis and mongo data for a classic cloud org from local disk (broken)

Policy Engine for release engineering

Policies are implemented by rendering template bundles, which are usually embedded into the binary. The rendering is mere text substitution and is agnostic to the language used in the template. It is best to use declarative or some sort of well-understood configuration language like YAML in the templates though.


This bundle contains all of the code required to build and test all the artefacts that are created when a release is made. Releases are made by pushing a tag to github.


This bundle implements terraform manifests that model the state of the repos under management in github. This is used to keep track of release branches as they are created.


% gromit help
It also has a grab bag of various ops automation.
Each gromit command has its own config section. For instance, the policy command uses the policy key in the config file. Config values can be overridden by environment variables. For instance, policy.prefix can be overridden using the variable $GROMIT_POLICY_PREFIX.

  gromit [command]

Available Commands:
  bundle      Operate on bundles
  completion  Generate completion script
  git         Top-level git command, use a sub-command to perform an operation
  help        Help about any command
  licenser    Get a trial license and writes it to path, overwriting it
  orgs        Dump/restore org keys and mongodb
  passwd      Returns the password hash of the given plaintext
  policy      Templatised policies that are driven by the config file
  version     Print version

  -f, --conf string       YAML config file. If not supplied, embedded defaults will be used
  -h, --help              help for gromit
      --loglevel string   Log verbosity: trace, debug, info, warn, error/fatal (default "info")
      --textlogs          Logs in plain text (default true)

Use "gromit [command] --help" for more information about a command.


All tests in the cmd directory are system tests. Tests in other directories are unit tests. make test runs the tests and requires access to the Engg PoC AWS account.

If your AWS account does not have the power to run the tests, please find us on Slack.


The Release action builds a new docker image.