noita-tools copied to clipboard
A collection of tools for Nolla Game's Noita that help get insight into seeds and find ones with special constraints.
A web app with many things Noita.
Helps you get a specific seed for your specific needs.
Current features include:
- Get seed info
- Search for a seed
- Live seed info viewer
Technical details and implementation details that I found interesting
The code for finding LC and AP values was transferred from noita_unicorn's Program.cs
from c# to c++.
Also, I took inspiration from cr4xy for extra features. You rock! <3
The c++ code is then compiled to wasm and is run in web workers (and partly in the main thread). The performance improvements are 20-fold by transferring seed functions (like randoms and lc & ap recipes) from a typescript implementation to c++, even with the call overhead from worker -> wasm code.
For map generation, wang tiles are used. In lua/xml code, ARGB color formats are used for color targeting. In browsers, in general, RGB[A] is used. The transformed colors (in data json) use RGB[A] to homogenize color format.
- emscripten is installed
npm i -g google-closure-compiler
- Node
- Yarn
After extracting noita wak, run
find . -type f -not -path '*/\.*' -exec sed -i 's/----------------------//g' {} +;
find . -type f -not -path '*/\.*' -exec sed -i 's/<!------------ MATERIALS -------------------->/<!-- MATERIALS -->/g' {} +;
find . -type f -not -path '*/\.*' -exec sed -i 's/<!------------ MATERIALS ------------------ -->/<!-- MATERIALS -->/g' {} +;
find . -type f -not -path '*/\.*' -exec sed -i 's/<!-- attack_ranged_min_distance="60" -->//g' {} +;
find . -type f -not -path '*/\.*' -exec sed -i 's/<!---------------- shield ---------------- -->//g' {} +;
to fix comments for the xml parser
For emscripten, some edits need to be done to enable the closure compiler:
emscripten installation and required changes
I recommend using the git repo to install emsdk. Install the latest version.
After, there are a small amount of changes that might need to be done:
- /usr/share/emscripten/tools/
Here, go to line ~888 Verify that this is there:
def get_closure_compiler():
# First check if the user configured a specific CLOSURE_COMPILER in thier settings
return config.CLOSURE_COMPILER
- ~/.emscripten
Add the closure compiler path to the config.
CLOSURE_COMPILER = ["<path to prefix>/bin/google-closure-compiler"]
To get the prefix, run:
npm config get prefix
Installation (after emscripten): yarn
Running: yarn dev