jsonschema-form-for-material-ui copied to clipboard
Material-UI port of react-jsonschema-form
A Material UI port of react-jsonschema-form.
Project forked from Graham King.
The initial project had lots of stuff in it, including a strict node version and demo server.
This package:
- Updated packages
- Not pre-bundled
- Better layout
- Will be supported and updated
I will be monitoring Mozilla's repo for changes: they plan on becoming ui-agnostic, and I will migrate this project into a wrapper of that one when that happens (which will be a major version bump)
Update: Mozilla is doing something similar: See https://github.com/mozilla-services/react-jsonschema-form/issues/1222 for details
npm install --save jsonschema-form-for-material-ui
import SchemaForm from 'jsonschema-form-for-material-ui';
const styles = theme => ({
field: {},
formButtons: {},
root: {},
const schema = {
"title": "A registration form",
"description": "A simple form example.",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"firstName": {
"type": "string",
"title": "First name"
"lastName": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Last name"
"age": {
"type": "integer",
"title": "Age"
const uiSchema = {
"firstName": {
"ui:autofocus": true,
"ui:emptyValue": ""
"age": {
"ui:widget": "updown",
"ui:title": "Age of person",
"ui:description": "This description will be in a Popover"
const initialFormData = {
"firstName": "Chuck",
"lastName": "Norris",
"age": 75,
Prop | Description |
schema | The JSON Schema that will be the base of the form |
classes | withStyles() classes that get passed to root components for better styling of the form |
uiSchema | Extra styling for fields. Each key references one schema key |
formData | The initial data with which to populate the form |
onCancel | Called when the Cancel button is pressed |
onSubmit | Called when the Submit button is pressed |
onChange | Called when form data is changed |
cancelText | Text for the Cancel button (Cancel by default) |
submitText | Text for the Submit button (Submit by default) |
showErrorList | Boolean to display the error list |
showHelperError | Boolean to display error in FormHelperText |
name | element |
root | The surrounding Paper element |
field | Fields container |
formButtons | Button div |
button | Cancel/Submit form button |
cancel | Cancel form button |
submit | Submit form button |
In-depth prop descriptions
ui:widget - string
This setting handles the input type that will be shown.
Default - textarea
- radio
- updown
- password
- textarea
- checkboxes
- ~~alt-datetime (~~
ui:title - string
Title of field that will be shown
ui:description - string
The description text that will be shown when hovering on the info icon
ui:options - object
inline - boolean
disabled - boolean
disabled - function(data, objectData)
should return boolean
~~inputType (~~todo
~~) - Format the input to a specific type (e.g. Phone, Credit Card, Date, etc)~~
ui:help - string
Help text that will be shown below the input
ui:orientation - string
Issues and pull requests welcome!
Give the initial author credit, too.