Great idea to bring together a thread to pull together the different perspectives of those involved in the project as it moves forward. I am an electronics engineer by trade...
@TrystanLea I was working on a BS 4 template, but it was heading into a complete rework of lots of the CMS itself due to the way that css and...
I am working on BS5 at the moment, I am not seeing any major issues at this time (life is a lot easier without worrying about jquery issues), I have...
Is this the right time to move to "php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "1.2.*" as the currently used one is marked as abandoned?
Out of interest what is the browser useage of the main forum? As this would be a good guide to what browsers are being used by the users of the...
Could that be because the .jshintrc file is expecting global 'use strict' and double quotemarks "" which will flag up a lot of the js files?
A review of the code show the minimum php version is 7.1 setTime is used in several areas as listed below: export_monthly_cron.php process_processlist.php schedule_model.php
It makes sense to me to use a Blueprint, I have just created my first Blueprint on my system to test it works. Where should it be published too? https://community.home-assistant.io/c/blueprints-exchange...
I have just created a PR for the documentation to add a section adding details of setting up an automation to run the Add-on once a day. I fell foul...
I presumed it did, as they work on the bootstrap, I just created a plane bootstrap page no bells or whistles, from http://getbootstrap.com/examples/navbar-static-top/ and it works, just when added to...