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Waystones not spawning in villages even when forcespawninvillages is enabled
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Even when i enable forcespawninvillages option in the config the waystones don't spawn in villages. I searched the whole internet but i didn't see anyone talk about this bug? I also posted the logs below (The logs that show when i find a village).
Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine)?
I'm also seeing this. I enabled the option and restarted a whole new world. First village I went to had no waystone. Second had a waystone. so definitely not working as intended.
this issue of no waystones was first introduced for me when adding Towns & Towers mod to the list. Trying forceSpawnInVillages = true had no effect at all and seemed to break the generation of waystones in villages created by Better Villages mod where as prior to the addition of T&T waystones generated without issue in every single town.
Using the mod Village Spawn Point may have narrowed the possibilities: The initial village the player spawns in doesn't have a waystone, but other villages do.
The team at Better Villages tested this behavior, and stated their belief it's not their mod.
I don't know why the first village doesn't contain a Waystone, maybe you should check the mod wiki and how it works or ask the mod creator. Unless we are mistaken, I don't think that the problem comes from the "Better Villages" mod because for the moment the mod only replaces the structure files and doesn't touch any parameter of the world generation, except the size of the structures which is bigger (20x20 - 30x30 average)
The force option has been changed and should work more reliably in Minecraft 1.19.2 and 1.20.
Note that completely custom modded villages will not include waystones, as Waystones itself only adds the structure to Vanilla villages.