pogema-baselines icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pogema-baselines copied to clipboard

Issue in running main.py

Open rohitrajgopalan opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

Hi There,

I am trying to run the main.py file within the pymarl directory using the default parameter of configs\debug.yaml with Python 3.8.10 on Windows 11

However, I am encountering a "process died" message as shown below.

Here are the logs (I hope this is enough information for you to go by): PS C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines\pymarl> python .\main.py
[DEBUG 23:06:57] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--cached', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--cached', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--cached', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:58] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=) [DEBUG 23:06:59] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--cached', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:59] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:59] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=) [DEBUG 23:06:59] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--cached', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:59] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'diff', '--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=None) [DEBUG 23:06:59] git.cmd Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=C:\Users\rohit\Documents\pogema-baselines, universal_newlines=False, shell=None, istream=) usage: training_run.py [-h] [--config_path CONFIG_PATH] [--raw_config RAW_CONFIG] training_run.py: error: unrecognized arguments: {grid_config: {FREE: 0, OBSTACLE: 1, MOVES: [[0, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]], on_target: finish, seed: null, size: 8, density: 0.3, num_agents: 8, obs_radius: 5, agents_xy: n ull, targets_xy: null, collision_system: priority, persistent: false, observation_type: default, map: null, empty_outside: true, map_name: custom, integration: null, max_episode_steps: 64, auto_reset: null}}, agent_params: {agent: r nn, rnn_hidden_dim: 64, obs_agent_id: true, obs_last_action: true, repeat_id: 1, label: default_label}, rl_params: {gamma: 0.99, batch_size: 32, lr: 0.0005, critic_lr: 0.0005, optim_alpha: 0.99, optim_eps: 1e-05, grad_norm_clip: 10. 0}, logging: {use_tensorboard: true, save_model: true, save_model_interval: 10000000, checkpoint_path: , evaluate: false, load_step: 0, save_replay: false, local_results_path: results, use_wandb: false, project_name: Pogema-PyMARL-D ebug}, settings: {batch_size_run: 1, test_nepisode: 0, test_interval: 2000, test_greedy: true, log_interval: 2000, runner_log_interval: 2000, learner_log_interval: 2000, t_max: 10000, use_cuda: true, buffer_cpu_only: true, mac: basi c_mac, env: pogema}, algo_settings: {QMIX: {action_selector: epsilon_greedy, epsilon_start: 1.0, epsilon_finish: 0.05, epsilon_anneal_time: 50000, runner: episode, buffer_size: 5000, target_update_interval: 200, agent_output_type: q , learner: q_learner, double_q: true, name: qmix, mixer: qmix, mixing_embed_dim: 32, hypernet_layers: 2, hypernet_embed: 64}, VDN: {action_selector: epsilon_greedy, epsilon_start: 1.0, epsilon_finish: 0.05, epsilon_anneal_time: 5000 0, runner: episode, buffer_size: 5000, target_update_interval: 200, agent_output_type: q, learner: q_learner, double_q: true, name: vdn, mixer: vdn}, IQL: {action_selector: epsilon_greedy, epsilon_start: 1.0, epsilon_finish: 0.05, e psilon_anneal_time: 50000, runner: episode, buffer_size: 5000, target_update_interval: 200, agent_output_type: q, learner: q_learner, double_q: true, name: iql, mixer: null}, QTRAN: {action_selector: epsilon_greedy, epsilon_start: 1 .0, epsilon_finish: 0.05, epsilon_anneal_time: 50000, runner: episode, buffer_size: 5000, target_update_interval: 200, agent_output_type: q, learner: qtran_learner, double_q: true, name: qtran, mixer: qtran_base, mixing_embed_dim: 6 4, qtran_arch: qtran_paper, opt_loss: 1, nopt_min_loss: 0.1, network_size: small}, COMA: {action_selector: multinomial, epsilon_start: 0.5, epsilon_finish: 0.01, epsilon_anneal_time: 100000, runner: parallel, buffer_size: 1, target_update_interval: 200, agent_output_type: q, learner: q_learner, double_q: true, name: coma, mask_before_softmax: false, batch_size_run: 1, batch_size: 1, mixer: null}}, algo: QMIX}' [INFO 23:07:00] git.cmd Ignored error after process had died: OSError(9, 'The handle is invalid', None, 6, None) [INFO 23:07:00] git.cmd Ignored error after process had died: OSError(9, 'The handle is invalid', None, 6, None)

rohitrajgopalan avatar Oct 12 '23 12:10 rohitrajgopalan