There are pop ups that I can't get to go away like the "resampling texture" in the top left corner of the screen. I know CTRL + SHIFT + O...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/363 - Homebrew version: v.0010 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 113 - Commit hash: 598243c - Download site: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Vita3K/vita3k/branch/master/artifacts # Test...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/201 - Homebrew version: v.1.0 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 160 - Commit hash: fa480ed - Download site: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Vita3K/vita3k/branch/master/artifacts # Test...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/21 - Homebrew version: v.1.97 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 666 - Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/68330f2 # Test environment summary - Tested...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://www.psx-place.com/threads/flyer-deathmatch-a-top-down-shooter-from-vladgalay.13679/ - Homebrew version: Flyer Deathmatch # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 666 - Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/68330f2 # Test environment summary -...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/164 - Homebrew version: v.0.6.3 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 666 - Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/68330f2 # Test environment summary - Tested...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/347 - Homebrew version: v.1.1.1 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 113 - Commit hash: 598243c - Download site: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Vita3K/vita3k/branch/master/artifacts # Test...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/405 - Homebrew version: v.2.1.0git-rsn8887.24 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 1255 - Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/daff95f # Test environment summary - Tested...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://rinnegatamante.it/site/psv_hbs.php - Homebrew version: v1.0.1 # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 666 - Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/68330f2 # Test environment summary - Tested...
# Homebrew summary - VitaDB: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/361 - Homebrew version: Vita Backup v.1.00 BETA & Vita Backup v.1.10 BETA # Vita3K summary - Version: v0.1 - Build number: 113 - Commit...