Flutter-Automation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Flutter-Automation copied to clipboard

A script for automating the creation and uploading a flutter project to github

Flutter Automation Script

A script for automating the tasks of creating and uploading a flutter project to github.
Made with Batch Scripts, Shell Scripts and Python❤

License Contribution

🎥In Action:

What does it do?

  • Creates a flutter project
  • Uploades it to your github
  • Finally, opens with either Android studio or VSCode the choice is yours.

How to use?

  1. Steps for Linux:

    Head over to the Linux folder or click here

  2. Steps for Windows:

     > git clone https://github.com/Tushar-OP/Flutter-Automation
     > run pre-requisite.bat or Install the dependencies in pre-requisite.txt
     > Open upload.py with your editor of choice, and add your github username and password, save it.
     (NOTE: If you have android studio and VSCode not located in the defaut location, you need to change that too in the python file to your path)
     > Move your folder to some location that you'll not change or delete, for e.g I keep mine 
     in C:\Flutter Scripts\ (top-level, not within any folders)
     > Add the path to batch script to the environment variables, follow this; search for 'system' -> Advance System settings ->
     Environment Variable -> Under system variable double click PATH -> New -> 
     Paste the location to your batch script(for e.g C:\Flutter-Automation\Windows)
     > Done, it's ready for use!
     > Usage: create [project_name] [/ide (as: Android Studio or code: VSCode)] [/path custom_path_to_create_project]
     > e.g create new_proj -ide as -path C:\users\tushar\Desktop\Flutter Projects
     > EXTRAS
     > Default location is desktop and default IDE is Android Studio, you can change this too,
     open create.bat for editing, <br> head to line 52, change SET ide="as" to SET ide="code" 
     and change SET pt="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\" to whatever location you want.

I will be creating the same for Mac.

If you find it useful, please star it!

Any feedback is welcome
